More Housing on the Drawing Board For South San Francisco

South San Francisco, CA  November 16, 2021

Laura Waxmann, of the Biz Journal, reported today that Essex Property Trust has paid $33.6M for 4.2-acre site at 7 South Linden Avenue in South San Francisco on which 445 homes are proposed per an application submitted to City officials. Waxmann further identifies a previously approved development at 1477 Huntington Avenue, less than a mile away, that will contain 262 apartments.


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3 years ago

It seems like every plot of land, empty, sold, or never built, is being constructed with multiple apartments and developments.

Who is deciding this?

South City Used to be a nice place to live.

The infrastructure cannot support this much development. So many of the apartments and housing are still unsold or unoccupied going on the 3rd year!

And we haven’t even gotten to mandates from the County and State yet.

If they want to throw our taxpayer money around (remember, we’re going to all be paying for the infrastructures for the rest of our lives, and our children’s lives), they need to widen streets to accommodate the traffic (believe me, not every single SSF resident is going to use public transportation — look at the grievances when someone parks in front of another’s home), upgrade the sewage system — and, water…no one is even talking about our 7-year drought.

Enough is enough! Other cities build a few hundred units maybe every year, but in South City, we’re seeing that amount in just one development — that multiplied by how many that have been developed or are set to be developed?

Time for a regime change. It’s too late really, but maybe we can salvage a tinsy bit of sanity and preserve what little quality of life we have left.

mel perry
mel perry
3 years ago


Cory Alan David
Cory Alan David
3 years ago

Residents of South San Francisco, raise your hands if you knew about the sale of this land and its proposed development. Thought so. How about many of the other land sales and proposed or completed developments that broke ground without your knowledge? I’m not seeing many hands. You know why? We have a city government gone rogue. Composed of both elected and salaried officials who act with impunity and virtually no community oversight. Now they will claim that the information is out there if only you want to attend city council and planning meetings or try to understand on-line information if you have the skill to find it. All true but as many might find this inconvenient or too big of a challenge, you might be understandably discouraged and just give up. You see, that’s their plan. They don’t want the interference of those pesky affected residents as they know what’s best for you or maybe it’s what’s best for them. Curiously, the city manages to post beautiful full color e-mails with drawings of already approved projects but can’t manage to post any information about proposed city land sales or developments before the fact. You know about the sale of the Fire Station on Baden and that development. I didn’t either until it showed up on my computer in beautiful color imaging a couple of days ago. I’m sure most of us are aware that our city is becoming unrecognizable and every other day your city government entertains driving another nail in our coffin without public input. In this writer’s humble opinion, it is a result of a city government run amok. Again, in this writer’s humble opinion, we have our own Bell California. Google it.