March 24, 2022 – From South San Francisco Police Department Facebook Page
Sergeant Sean Curmi and Officer Stephanie Tenorio from our Services Unit assisted at the 92nd Peninsula Law Enforcement Explorer Academy for the day. Today Explorer Recruits ran a physical agility obstacle course, learned defensive tactics, received firearm training, shot at the range, and took their midterm tests.
South San Francisco Explorer Recruits Nathan Chung, Aaron Navarro, and Gabriel Fregoso are doing great in the academy and having a fun at the same time. A big thank you to all the Explorer Academy instructors as well as those responsible for keeping the academy going. Your commitment to keeping this great program successful is appreciated.
If you or anyone you know is between the ages of 14 and 21 and would like to know more about our Explorer Program, please contact Corporal Tom Lopez at 650-829-3926 or at [email protected]. We are always looking for young men and women interested in law enforcement or just wanting to give back to their communities.