Genentech Goes To Town September 12-25th

South San Francisco, CA  September 13, 2022

Where would you encourage Genentech employees to visit in our City, and where should they spend their gifted $25?

We have heard from local businesses that Genentech is now engaging outside corporate companies in place of local eateries and shops. Perhaps there are agreements between them that covers areas outside of South City that benefit other Genentech locations including Vacaville and Oceanside, California as well as in Portland and Hillsboro, Oregon.  So much has changed during the shut downs, both for those who choose to come to work here, and those who own businesses in South San Francisco. Currently many corporations are following what works best for employees, which includes working remotely, which has an impact on our local economy as well. In addition, many of our own City employees have continued to work remotely, at least part time, including those who have high level positions.

We welcome Genentech employees back to our ‘little town’!

We hope this year’s Genentech goes to Town offers employees the opportunity to enjoy some of the places us locals treasure thereby encouraging them to make return visits as they can.


Photo credit: Genentech


Goes to Town yearly program takes place September 12-25, 2022. Genentech Goes to Town is a community engagement program sponsored by Genentech and operated in partnership with the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce. This year is the 29th year of the program in South San Francisco. Since the program’s inception, Genentech has invested more than $3 million to support local businesses. The goal is to extend a bridge between Genentech employees and South San Francisco businesses.


Genentech gives employees $25 in special “GenenMoney” with a list of participating businesses. Participating businesses are reimbursed by the SSF Chamber of Commerce for the GenenMoney they collect from Genentech employees. Thank you to Genentech and their employees for supporting our South San Francisco business community!

– From the City of South San Francisco Economic Dept.FB


Since 1993, Genentech Goes to Town has encouraged employees to visit local merchants and “shop small” for two weeks each fall. To date, we have invested more than $3 million in over 300 small businesses. We also expanded the program to include our campuses in Vacaville and Oceanside, California as well as in Portland and Hillsboro, Oregon.

During the pandemic, to continue to champion small businesses who were hardest hit, we partnered with the Chamber of Commerce at each of our larger sites to meet the unique needs and opportunities in each community, and to distribute financial aid to merchants that have traditionally participated in Genentech Goes To Town. Employees are also encouraging employees to support these businesses year-round.

-From Genentech website

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Cory Alan David
Cory Alan David
1 year ago

Count me as surprised that there are any businesses left that escaped the bulldozers as we build housing to satisfy RHNA numbers forced on our city due to the unlimited expansion of the biotech workforce. Is there any parking left? I’m glad that Genentech knows that SSF is a “cheap date” as they try to buy us off with $3 million in $25 increments. Hardly seems compensation for the destruction of the soul and history of our city. Anyway, our city officials who might be more invested in token $25 payments rather than the city they were elected to represent, are “cheap dates” in their own rite.
I’d like to offer thanks to Genentech for the minimal bribes and as you continue your unrestrained expansion, if you can find it in your heart, try to leave some room to breathe for existing residents as some of us don’t appreciate you “going to town” on us.