Letter to Editor; Vote Yes on DD

South San Francisco, CA September 20, 2022 by Neighbor who requests to remain anonymous

Dear Editor,

I urge South San Franciscans to vote Yes on Measure DD on November 8th because I believe every child deserves a great preschool education, regardless of their family’s ability to pay. My bilingual children were ready for kindergarten because they received tuition assistance to attend Izzi (formerly IHSD), one of South City’s fantastic preschools.

Yet hundreds of working families just like mine are still on the preschool waitlist because there isn’t enough space in our preschool programs, and families who don’t receive tuition assistance face monthly tuition fees over $1,500/month, per child. That’s why our grassroots coalition put forth a citizens’ initiative to fully fund our local, high-quality preschool programs for all kids aged 2.5 to 5 years old—and we’ll guarantee a living wage for hardworking preschool teachers too, funded by only taxing large corporate office buildings

Our community strongly supports this investment in our children and early care and education workers. When I danced at a Folklorico event, volunteers gathered nearly 100 signatures for our petition in under an hour from people waiting in line. People at my church signed by the dozens, as did volunteers and clients at the local food bank.

As a DACA recipient, I know that smart policy can change lives and communities for the better. Please show your support for the children, families, and preschool teachers of South San Francisco by recommending Yes on DD.

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1 year ago

I want to address some of these comments, as a parent and small business owner who is currently living in SSF and struggling to afford childcare.

1) I understand that for a lot of you who are grandparents, you made it work and so you feel we should as well. However costs have risen quite a bit since you were raising your kids. I doubt that you had to pay half your income in childcare! We have to pay $1500-$2,000 per month per child, out of pocket. Measure DD would help us afford that cost.

If you want other kids to have the same experience that yours did – growing up here in SSF – then please vote Yes on DD. Otherwise even more families will continue have to move away.

2) It’s great that your kids were able to attend pre-K in SSF but things have changed. The waitlist for the city program is now 4 years long. I put both my kids on it when I was pregnant with them. My preschooler turns 4 next month and we are still on the waitlist. How can a parent work without affordable childcare? We have to work, to afford to live here. But we can’t work without preschool.

3) Head Start and similar programs have very few spots and are restricted to those with very low incomes. The middle class is left out, despite paying income taxes. Measure DD does not tax households or small businesses. It taxes pharmaceutical corporations that make huge profits.

A Strong Believer in Education for ALL
A Strong Believer in Education for ALL
1 year ago

The hard working middle class is left out of many programs/services (education, daycare, preschool, etc.), even though we also struggle paycheck to paycheck. We just ask for the same opportunities for our children. Childcare is the most difficult aspect of raising children and middle class working families do not qualify for Head Start. Many doors were shut with years-long waiting lists, being “over” income, and other non-qualifiers, even though advertised “for all”. Why should my children be treated any different or be told not deserving of a pre-K education? Decades have passed without any bright light on addressing long wait lists that may/may not open up a spot for a child, until Measure DD, which by reading measure, only taxes big commercial properties, not small businesses or property owners. Besides, measure states “PRESCHOOL for 2.5 – 5 years old,” which is entirely different than just daycare!! Education should not be taken for granted. As of now, it is quite uncertain how long a child should be on years-long wait lists and remain faithful to what HAS BEEN AND IS currently being offered to us SSF residents. Measure DD is correct in “it is time that big corporations pay” DIRECTLY for the benefit of ALL children. The small print on mailer received reads” Sponsored by California Life Sciences Association.”

1 year ago

Yeah, I don’t plan to vote for this measure. My grandkids had no problems in the local school’s pre-k programs and succeeded in the public schools. All without the need for any increase in taxes to South City’s citizens or businesses. At this time, we really do not need more taxes, but to find ways to cut costs and make do with what we already have.

1 year ago

Vote N on DD !! This isn’t free, if the corporations do not pay then us residents will be forced to make up the difference . And The budget for this “free childcare “ program is half the city’s total budget ! Over $60 million dollars a year ! This is not a free benefit , we will all end up paying for this . All the SSF measures are money grabs . Vote NO

1 year ago

First off there is already a program call Head Start, if you are struggling for early daycare please apply. I disagree paying for other’s childcare, I have raised 3 of my own and two grandchildren and figured out hot to pay for my own childcare, please don’t ask me to pay for yours.

1 year ago

In all honesty I don’t think I will vote for this measure. Why? We don’t need more taxes at this time. I believe if the City has funds ($500 per month) to give to people, we can divert those funds to our young people. Additionally, is there an increase in pay for Administrators in this ballot? Let the City pay, that is why we pay taxes to them. Additionally, we are taxing our Senior Citizens too much. Put a measure on the ballot to reduce taxes, not increase. Time to Stop Taxing Citizen!