South San Francisco, CA September 12, 2022
While many other areas of the State are covered in a smokey haze, we are fortunate for the coastal winds that clear our air allowing for some incredible photo captures. Such as this one from South City neighbor Mel Ellison. With his permission, we share this along with his early morning thoughts, which have brought about a lively conversation on his own social media.
What are your thoughts? Please feel free to share below.

Early morning sunrise in South San Francisco
Sign Hill, South City’s venerable blue collar version of LA’s “Hollywood” sign…seen at dawn.
As the City evolves from its humble beginnings as a workingman’s town into a Bio Tech tax bonanza for the City government, the sign is beginning to look more and more quaint.
And to be sure, the rubber stamp City Council, led by a City manager who actually calls the shots, has tried to change the sign to reflect this recent Bio Tech invasion…but for the moment the residents have prevailed and thwarted that effort. For now.
Meanwhile the City, with local government’s breathless blessing, is slowly but steadily being littered throughout with Soviet Era-Eastern Bloc style so-called “affordable” apartments with no thought or concern for the overtaxed infrastructure and the nightmarish traffic this massive influx of new residents would cause.
If there is any concern, it is apparently quickly forgotten as the members of our City government are bedazzled by the trinkets of shiny and lucrative new taxes, and the prestige of being a part of creating the “Bio Tech” capital of the world. Looks great on the resume I reckon.
The original residents? The ones who built this town? Well they can go pound salt evidently. The paternalistic concept of “We know best” seems to pervade the City government and its decision making.
For us, we’re retired, don’t drive during rush hour, and aren’t otherwise affected by all this…and we watch as the price of our home soars into the stratosphere in value. Which means, I guess I’m not complaining really…..just stating the facts.
Bottom line is: follow the money.
– Mel Ellison
Nailed it. Vote them out
Well said, sadly. The past decade of representatives do not represent the people that live here. You are right that they are distracted by shiny objects that make them feel important.
You have definitely hit the nail on the head! Doesn’t the City Council care ? I am so disappointed in City Council! What use to be Good and Rich Dairy, Drive-Through for bread a d milk, is now called Liquor Store n Smoke Shop , with the added bonus of Check Cashing, this should be a wake-up sign people to where ar City is going!!
Thanks Mel great writing and picture. This city has lost its soul.
Well said Mel. Unfortunately, our little town has been overrun with “Newbies” and one “Old Timey” individual who likely will watch from Hawaii as SSF burns. They all seem to feel open space is overrated. Who needs nature, open space or parks when it obstructs construction of biotech campuses and market rate, overpriced housing. SSF used to be a quiet, little community to raise a family without the pressures of urban sprawl. Not good enough for our city officials who think every neighborhood is a “condo canyon” in the making. And please YIMBYS, save the whining about those residents who are resistant to change as a look around you will confirm no one said NO but now it is time to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
Mel, I have to disagree with you on two points. While the paper values of our homes makes for interesting conversation, as long as we need the roof over our heads, it’s just numbers on paper. Secondly, I kind of like the idea of updating the message on Sign Hill. I say we go with “South San Francisco, For Sale to Highest Bidder.”
Time for a recall of City Hall?
Use your power and vote!