City of South San Francisco Receives Award of $28.8 Million in State Funding to Build Much-Needed Housing

February 23, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA


The California Department of Housing & Community Development Awarded the City this money to make way for the construction of 800 new homes, including 158 affordable

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., February 23, 2023 – The California Department of Housing & Community Development awarded $28.8M to the City of South San Francisco through the Infill Infrastructure Grant to make way for the construction of 158 affordable new homes by BRIDGE as part of an 800-unit master-planned community which includes a childcare center, retail space, and public open space.

“I’m extremely proud of our staff for all of the work they put into this application to make this a reality for our City,” said South San Francisco Mayor Flor Nicolas. “By partnering with BRIDGE Housing, we are able to bring even more affordable housing to our area and transform a vacant area into usable space.”

“The state’s investment in infrastructure improvements will set the stage for a transformative development with a host of public benefits,” said Ken Lombard, President & CEO of BRIDGE Housing. “We’re proud to partner with the City, L37, and KASA Partners, and we’re excited to deliver 158 affordable apartments to the South San Francisco community.”

The new mixed-use development will be located on 5.9 acres of currently vacant land at 1051 Mission Road, known generally as the “PUC site.” It includes affordable housing; subsidized childcare that will accommodate 70-110 children; a “market hall” that will provide incubator space for local retail and maker businesses; more than 900 parking spaces; approximately one acre of publicly accessible open space that includes a public courtyard, improvements to Centennial Trail, a pedestrian bridge connecting the Kaiser property to Centennial trail, and a pedestrian trail connecting Mission Road to Centennial Trail; a series of linked open spaces including a children’s play area, sculpture lawn, and adult fitness station; a picnic area, and a small plaza connected to the Market Hall. As part of this project, there is also a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan that requires 35 percent use of alternative transportation modes (i.e., transit, carpooling, etc.) during peak periods of the day.

Approximately 58 communities across California were awarded more than $825.5 million to build 9,550 homes as part of a new funding approval process that eliminates the need for a developer to submit multiple applications. This includes roughly $700 million in funds for multifamily development and $125 million for infill development. This funding announcement will ultimately benefit an estimated 187,500 people over the total lifetime of all projects combined.

“California continues to advance our commitment to building 2.5 million homes — with one million affordable homes — by 2030, as outlined in our Statewide Housing Plan,” said HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez. “Our simple approach to funding helps us accelerate much-needed construction and ensure the lowest-income Californians have access to quality homes near jobs, transit, schools, and other necessities that will make our communities more inclusive for decades to come.”

About the City of South San Francisco
The City of South San Francisco proudly remains The Industrial City, a reflection of its steel mill and shipbuilding past, redefined to reflect the innovative, entrepreneurial and industrious spirit which has made South San Francisco the Biotech Capital of the World, with over 250 active biotech companies and growing. A vibrant community of 66,185 residents, South San Francisco enjoys a high quality of life with an extensive public parks system, active library and learning programming, and a dynamic, engaged community making South San Francisco a great place to live, learn, work and play.

For more information about the City of South San Francisco, visit

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Jacob Nava-Coulter
Jacob Nava-Coulter
1 year ago

I’m so proud of our city for all the new housing construction! Very pragmatic!

Your neighbor
Your neighbor
2 years ago

It wasn’t Biden’s fault, it started back in the day when the majority SSF City Council Republicans, who swore they were Democrats, kept the poor out and let Big Pharma in.
I heard this argument 1000 times, affordable housing – nobody knew what it meant but meant keep the working poor out with UNaffordable apartments they built. As you can see, they STILL didn’t despite the headlines for affordable housing. Out of 800 units – 158 will be “AFFORDABLE” ? their word. Does anyone know what this means??? Answer: more of the same. Until they build BELOW MARKET apartments. Question is WHEN?
YES YES, we’re being swallowed up by bio-labs, crossing 101 into neighborhoods ready for pathogens to escape into neighborhoods.
Time to get out before it gets worse. Sell your house before big Pharma elects your next city council. OH? it’s already happened you say ?
Found out the City Council is heavily INVESTED, Gilead is represented, and Merck. Watch how they vote.

steve m
steve m
1 year ago
Reply to  Your neighbor

both party’s are worthless in california anyway. especially the democrats .
stop it with the right vs. left. the democrats
have been controlling california for ever . name the SSF city council republicans you are talking about? I never heard of one . party affiliation does not even matter any more .
anyway. most are in bed with each other. sounds like my neighbor swallowed the blue pill.
was it biden’s fault? no . but do you think that guy is helping ? NO! most elected people in power bullshit stretch the truth spin fact’s exaggerate ect… but if you think you think Biden is on the level . well there are no words. he is not even good at lying. even after
nearly years 50 of it. plagiarist and serial liar. inherited a senate seat from his dad.
then failed his way to the top. and got rich on the way. fraud and a big phony .
at least bush / Clinton and Obama where good at b/s . and at least they where
middle of the road. and would compromise . not Obama so much. not like what this jack hole is doing. war breaking out all over the world . and fueling a civil war. over 100k
dead from drug poisonings 5 million illegal’s running around . and he just laughs about it. nothing to see here. people need to get there head out of there ass .9 words to beware of . I’m from the government and I’m here to help. b/s your on your own sweetheart.

Your neighbor
Your neighbor
1 year ago
Reply to  steve m

Answer – according to public records the current mayor and the longest “serving” councilmember are investors in those 2 companies. The others dont have the million dollar portfolios -YET.

steve m
steve m
1 year ago
Reply to  Your neighbor

yes and are they not democrats? really just fake republicans what the hell are you talking about ? my point is it does not matter most are on the take .
boy fast to defend Biden. he has little to do with california or San Mateo county. except for natural disasters. and the border from Mexico. ya good job there. poor Ohio . the longest serving council member is a Biden lover life long democrat. isn’t the mayor as well? SSF has a revolving door of grifters.
your answer is correct actually . and the young democrat socialist on the are take as well . I guess no one know what socialism is? they steal from the working . move to Argentina and see how it works
if anyone is sold on that concept. the democrat party left the working class
years ago they just cater to big money. so we agree on the issue
not the cause. the government got way too big. too many unelected
morons making stupid decisions at our cost. and the elected one’s as well.
sorry there are no evil republicans dressed up as democrats. just silly
modern politics are like watching pro wrestling .talk smack on tv.
about the other side then behind the curtain at lot of them are kissing and screwing . the swamp creatures . crying won’t help . prayer won’t do you
no good . when the levy breaks mama you got to move.( led zeppelin 1969.)
a little comedy for y’all.

steve m
steve m
2 years ago

the only (infrastructure) the government should pay for is roads bridges police and fire .
no government subsidized housing . never ends well. 2-words ( Geneva towers )
leave that garbage in San Francisco please. damm communist have taken over.
if it wasn’t so damm expensive to build housing here maybe the private sector
would invest here at a reasonable cost. but no the idiots running things want to
pick there pockets. fee’s taxes ect……. they just spew happy talk and nothing ever get’s done. the brainiacs on our wonderful city council created the problem . nothing thought out
over built bloated bursting at the seams. guess they want the subsidized housing for
the big tech oligarchs for there servants. at the tax payer expense? 158 affordable new home’s my ass.

Laurie Masetti
Laurie Masetti
2 years ago

This makes me sick!!! Our city council has made a huge mess in South San Francisco. Our roads are all over crowded and every where you look you see high rises with small apartments. No more protection for our single family homes. Soon they will take the homes out and put more high rises. 

They need to make room for the over 5 Million people Biden allowed to enter illegally in the last two years. So, “Why did he do that”! So that he could buy their vote by giving them free phones, free food, free housing, free schooling and free healthcare! All at the cost of the American tax payer!

Have you noticed we have no more nice restaurants and only fast food places? Have you noticed all our shopping centers are being closed? That’s because they want us to say in our homes and order everything on line. That’s how they control us. 

Make no mistake, We are headed for Socialism.

Shame on our city council for going along with this!

steve m
steve m
2 years ago
Reply to  Laurie Masetti

yep. they used the pandemic to get there socialist plan in place. Obama’s plan
is coming together . you know the guy that helped ruin the American dream.
now the dementia patient is here to finish the job. thanks to all that swallowed the blue pill.
and I don’t mean viagra. one step closer to Communism. 1969 all over again. but
worse . riots crime rape looting social unrest loss of god/faith. everyone drunk and
high. now Biden wants to push prescription drugs to get people off drugs?
sure sounds like a plan. keep them stoned and stupid. vote for me ! I will
keep the party going!!
the most destructive /divisive president in my lifetime. period!
and the entire administration is the most unqualified group ever.
hired for there shin tone race gender sexual preference ect… . not for
any measurable skill/ knowledge/brains . just click a box. the vast majority of people don’t give
a damm about that. I would say over well over 90% . as long as the job get’s done .
so much for bringing people together Joe. on day one he insulted half the country.
good work dumb dumb. the divider in chief.

steve m
steve m
2 years ago
Reply to  Laurie Masetti

yep. government isn’t the solution . government is the problem. stole that from a great president.

1 year ago
Reply to  Laurie Masetti

I absolutely hate every one of the city council members and mayor, they have destroyed the quaint city I grew up in. They line their pockets with money, they don’t give two cents for anyone constituent. We do not need more housing. We need air, trees and less crime

Your neighbor
Your neighbor
1 year ago
Reply to  Laurie Masetti

Laurie, there are nice eateries E 101 the public is allowed in some of the new bio-labs opening up. SmartLabs had an open house recently offering delicious salads, wines with, parking inviting the public to use their restaurants.

steve m
steve m
1 year ago
Reply to  Your neighbor

ignorant comment. we do not do gain of function research here , how stupid.
yes and I heard they have bat soup on the menu.

steve m
steve m
2 years ago

don’t know where they are going to get $28.8 million from? California is already going broke. the wasted money on stupid projects . train to nowhere . solar panels. wind farms
not to mention the largest welfare population in the country I believe. eventually you will run out of other people’s money. that is how socialism works. welcome to the green new (raw) deal. maybe sleepy Joe will throw money greasy Gavins way? oh wait got to
save that to fund another endless stupid war. stupid is as stupid does.

Cory Alan David
Cory Alan David
2 years ago

One person’s housing friendly city, is another person’s housing dump. As usual, South San Francisco is the “low hanging fruit” and the special interests show up on our door as they know how to cultivate an all too willing city government. Clearly, they know where the fertilizer is?