Storm Alerts from Public Agencies

South San Francisco, CA  March 14, 2023

NOTE we will update with alerts as we receive them, please check back.

UPDATE 2:43 SMC Alert:

El Camino Real from Serramonte Blvd to F St is closed in both directions until further notice due to a downed electrical pole.

Please use alternate routes until the roadway is reopened.

SMC Alert: Multiple trees down on El Camino in Burlingame.

Please avoid all of El Camino in Burlingame.

El Camino Real is closed for an extended period of time and there is no estimate as to when it will reopen.

Sent by Burlingame PD 12:30p 3/14/23

SMC Alert: Due to extremely high wind conditions and wet ground, trees are falling throughout San Mateo County.

Multiple roadways are blocked, and freeway lanes are being affected.

Power is going out in multiple jurisdictions as well.

Treat non-functional traffic signals as all-way stop signs.

Avoid travel if possible, and use caution, as trees may fall unexpectedly.

CHP, Caltrans, and local fire departments are responding to clear lanes as soon as possible.

Sent by CHP/ Redwood City 1pm 3/14/23



What to do if you come across DOWNED POWER LINES – CLICK HERE

Power outage MAP Click HERE

Current map of outages shows South San Francisco is lightly impacted. This can change. Use the link above to see if outages have been reported, or how to report an outage, and to see the ETA for return of power.




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Wendy Sinclair-Smith
Wendy Sinclair-Smith
2 years ago

Sorry, this is confusing. Is it supposed to be generic? It’s dated a week ago. Are these still problems? Where will updates be found? It’s a great service you have. I think it just might be a typo or something. Thanks for all your help with our community