Letter to Editor: Advocate for Skyline College to Build Wellness Center (GYM) and Pools Like Canada and CSM Have

South San Francisco, CA  May 8, 2023 by Valerie KeechA typewriter and a text beside it, “Letters to the Editor”

San Mateo Community College District (SMCCD Board of Trustees) should hear from residents of South San Francisco, San Bruno, Daly City, and Pacifica about this inequitable issue.


Skyline College got left out in terms of wellness center (gym) and pools while the College of San Mateo (CSM) and Canada College have.  The South County has the YMCA in San Mateo, the Jewish Community Center in Foster City, and the College of San Mateo.


Then Canada College just got a brand new wellness center and pools.  Four large facilities are open to the community.


Skyline College has a tiny weight room not open to the community, Skyline College is only one of three colleges in SMCCD (San Mateo Community College District) that did NOT get a wellness center and pools open to the community.


We need more places that offer wellness centers and pools in the North County.  Many seniors use CSM and Canada and Skyline should also have this.


If I am the only person feeling this way, nothing will happen.  If people speak up, then maybe SMCCD Board of Trustees who decide on funding for SMCCD will listen.


See the newsletter below to see what they have open to the community.


We need this in north county.


Please contact the SMCCD Trustees NOW! (to read their bios and more info CLICK HERE)

Dr. Lisa Petrides

Board President
Area 1
[email protected]


John Pimentel

Board Vice President
Area 5
[email protected]


Wayne Lee

Area 3

[email protected]


Richard Holober

Area 4
[email protected]


Mike Guingona

Area 2
[email protected]


Lesly Ta

Student Trustee
[email protected]




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