Letter to Editor: Senior Centers needed in South San Francisco

South San Francisco, CA  September 2, 2023 by Norma G

Dear Mayor of South San Francisco:
We are visiting senior centers in other cities where we should not have to. We drive far, dealing with traffic and adding more gas pollutions in the air, besides being a real challenge. Not all of us drive and as we get older, we can’t drive anymore. I also think that there is absolutely no need to have to go out of our city. We should have a couple of senior centers, just like Daly City. They have 4 centers in their city and they offer several to a dozen classes on weekdays.
Daly City’s website reads:
“The City of Daly City is committed to being an Age-Friendly Community. Our Active Adult/Senior Services department’s specific mission is to enhance the quality of life and promote wellness for all adults 50 years plus in and about Daly City by offering social, educational, and health programs.”
Thank you so much for your attention to this.

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Cynthia Marcopulos
Cynthia Marcopulos
1 year ago

Millbrae has a population of 22,071 in 2022, and SSF had 63,848 in 2022. Millbrae’s Park & Rec Center seems to be about the same class size as the Civic Center Campus. I envision the classes and activities will be cancelled as the city checks off the boxes they’ve done their due diligence to provide services for each category of resident.

1 year ago

You aint gonna get any senior that Roberta tellia center is going to child care. Just like the orange library is going to child care. You also need to go to a community meeting about homeless in your community.

Cynthia Marcopulos
Cynthia Marcopulos
1 year ago

What the residents want is the MSB preserved as a senior/multi-use center. Unbeknownst to the residents prior to January, it was included in the 700-page housing element to be sold as density housing on this parcel of land to pay for a new fire station.

We need a senior center on this side of the city.The MSB has ample parking, is ADA compliant and has passed every code inspection with upgrades that the residents already paid for. 

Magnolia Center serves mainly the adult daycare and as our senior population grows to 24% of the entire South City population, we need more than one senior center for our city. The new Civic Center Campus with only 20 underground parking spaces, and a little over 100 surface parking spaces will be used by the new library, the Park & Rec staff and classes, and council meetings. 

Our Mayor has said repeatedly in commemoration of the senior population of our city that there has been increase of 69% of adults over the age of 60 since 1990, and that the projected majority senior population will be over age 65 by 2040.

It’s time to take care of the seniors! Measure W that nearly passed voter approval and we voted for 4 things, one of which specifically stated services for the seniors and the disabled. Let’s preserve the MSB as an “iconic” Senior/Multi-use Community Center which is historically significant and loved by our community, the Municipal Services Building, SAVE THE MSB!

your neighbor
1 year ago

“your Mayor, Nicolas claims in her weekly address to the community that seniors are “near and dear” yet she does not see the value of maintaining a safe place for seniors in preserving the MSB -Municipal Service Building.
social media reports that the building is strong and sound, unlike what is repeated by “your Mayor”, that it is “strudturally unsafe”. NOT true!
It is no surprise that the rumor around town is that the new Civic Campus will be inadequate and have less parking and less access for handicap and generally no room for the community of seniors and artists who want to enjoy the use of this community site that has served us well.
Will “your Mayor” please be consistent?
will she side with the community’s seniors if they are indeed “near and dear”?