April 19th, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA Recently, a judge approved a settlement agreement with Meta (Facebook’s parent company) valuing $725 million. This provides users of the social media platform an opportunity to apply and claim their share of…
Author: Editor
Arbor Day and Earth Day Volunteer Event 2023
April 17th, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA – from the SSF Parks and Rec website The Parks and Recreation Department in conjunction with the Improving Public Places Committee, will be hosting the annual Earth Day and Arbor Day celebration…
Congressman Kevin Mullin Official Visit to Hometown South San Francisco
South San Francisco, CA April 17, 2023 Press Release Congressman Kevin Mullin, representing California District 15 in the United States House of Representatives, is visiting cities in his district to meet with local officials. Among his stops: his hometown, the…
South San Francisco Unified School District to Sell General Obligation Bonds in April
South San Francisco, CA April 17, 2023 Submitted by Peter Fong, SSFUSD PIO South San Francisco Unified School District (SSFUSD) could begin selling general obligation bonds to investors as early as the end of April 2023. This, according to SSFUSD…
Update on Genentech’s Tecentriq Plus Avastin
South San Francisco, CA April 18, 2023 Press Release Genentech’s Tecentriq Plus Avastin Reduced the Risk of Cancer Returning in People With Certain Types of Adjuvant Liver Cancer in a Phase III Study In the first-ever positive Phase III…
Parkway Heights Middle School 1st Annual Car Show and Swap Meet April 29th 8a-2p (Vendors/Car Owners Signup)
South San Francisco, CA April 15, 2023 Mark the date! Saturday April 29th from 8am until 2pm and come on over to Parkway Heights Middle School and enjoy a wonderful day of community with a pop-up crafts, food vendors, car…
Murder Mystery Dinner Announced by SSF Rotary set for July 28th at Basque Cultural Center
South San Francisco, CA April 15, 2023 Submitted by Ed and Robin Bortoli UPDATE 7/18/2023 3pm: Reservations have been extended to Monday, July 24th. Please note food choices are chicken or eggplant parmesan July might seem like a far time…
Kaiser Permanente South San Francisco on Cal Hospital Compare Safety Honor Roll
South San Francisco, Ca April 15, 2023 Submitted by Karl Sonkin, Kaiser Permanente Editors Note: It appears Kaiser Permenente in SSF & RC are the only two hospitals in San Mateo County to receive such honors. Congratulations to Kaiser. ###…
Town Wide Garage Sale in Colma TOMORROW Saturday April 15th
South San Francisco, CA April 14, 2023 NOTE: this notice replaces an earlier edition stating tomorrow was for sign ups – IT IS NOT. Tomorrow is the actual Town Wide Garage Sale. Apologies on any inconvenience.
SSFPD Weekly Crime Report
April 12th, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA – from the SSFPD Facebook Page April 10th, 2023 GUN ARREST – Last Saturday, our officers contacted a 22 year old male from San Francisco and 25 year old female from South…