South San Francisco, CA July 24, 2014 Submitted by SSFPD DUI/Drivers License Checkpoint Planned this Weekend South San Francisco Police will be conducting a DUI/Drivers License Checkpoint on Saturday July 26, 2014 at an undisclosed location and time within…
Author: Editor
Chef Terri Dien Chinese Cuisine Cooking Class Sign Ups NOW
South San Francisco, CA July 25, 2014 The Art of Chinese Cuisine South San Francisco Parks and Recreation sure found a gem when they brought Chef Terri Dien on board our local Leisure Classes. Sign ups are now underway…
Neighbors helping neighbors bring out the best in us in South City
South San Francisco, CA July 23, 2014 Submitted by Keri Stark As more and more scams continue to be played out on our neighbors we all need to be more aware of what is happening. Especially in the stores. Recently…
Special TEEN Event at SSF Library July 25th
South San Francisco, CA July 24. 2014 Submitted by SSF Library Intern Marissa Premenko The South San Francisco Library is hosting a very special event for teens called FLIPPED; a read and watch event. This Read and Watch offers teens…
A Summer Investment for the Future
South San Francisco, CA July 23, 2014 Submitted by Kaiser Permanente How Kaiser Permanente prepares students for their future Schools out for Summer! So goes the rock and roll song, but while most teens are relaxing and enjoying…
SSFUSD Report: Physical Education at the Elementary Schools
South San Francisco, CA July 23, 2014 Submitted by John Baker The fact that Physical Education has only been offered at a few of our Elementary Schools, parents have been rallying to get the word out about this evening’s School…
Retirement Dinner for Chief Mike Massoni
South San Francisco, CA July 23, 2014 You are cordially invited to attend a retirement dinner honoring Police Chief Mike Massoni Friday, October 3, 2014 Social Hour 6:00 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. South San Francisco Conference Center 255 South…
Retirement Dinner for Lt. Alan Normandy
South San Francisco, CA July 21, 2014 Submitted by SSFPD You are cordially invited to attend a Retirement Dinner honoring LIEUTENANT ALAN NORMANDY Green Hills Country Club 500 Ludeman Lane Millbrae, California Friday, September 26, 2014 Social Hour 6:00pm Dinner…
SSFPD Media Release: Drugged DUI Collisions on the Rise
South San Francisco, CA July 22, 2014 Submitted by SSFPD Starting on January 1st, 2014, law enforcement agencies across the State of California began specific tracking of DUI arrests where the drivers were under the influence of drugs…
Library FREE Events for August 2014
South San Francisco, CA July 22. 2014 Submitted by SSF Library Always something fun happening at our local library so check out the events for August and mark those calendars NOW!