Category: Regional

Brendon Francis Rios Obituary

South San Francisco, CA  September 29, 2021 by Garden Chapel Funeral Directors Brendon Francis Rios passed away in his sleep in San Diego, California on September 20, 2021 at the age of 28. Brendon was the first born to Frank…

All Souls Festival 2021 set for October 8-10

South San Francisco, CA  September 25, 2021 Submitted by Derrick Wong All Souls’ Annual Festival is BACK!! Friday October 8 – 10pm Saturday October 9th Noon – 10pm Sunday October 10th Noon – 5pm Enjoy this amazing event – Covid…

Tips on Photographing Your Pets

South San Francisco, CA  September 25, 2021 by Allie Clevenger, ESC With social media accounts for pets on trend, have you considered making your furry (scaly, or feathered) companion a star? Many accounts with enough followers on Instagram ink deals…