Category: Regional

Association of Bay Area Governments November E-News

South San Francisco, CA  November 19, 2020 Submitted by Robert Riechel, Riechel Reports Public Comment Period for RHNA Proposed Methodology Ends Nov. 27 at Noon The Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG)’s Executive Board at its October meeting passed the…

More info on SMC Red Tier Shutdown

South San Francisco, CA  November 16, 2020 Press Release San Mateo County falls back to the more restrictive red Tier 2 effective Tuesday on the state’s COVID-19 reopening plan as indoor dining is rolled back and fresh capacity and other limits are…

Dandelions – by Sonny Koya

South San Francisco, CA   November 15, 2020 by Sonny Koya   Oh, how hateful the dandelions in the garden. So full of scorn and arrogance Grows so tall and lush Lack of water wilts it naught. The intruder thrives on.…