South San Francisco, CA March 14, 2019 Submitted by Concerned SSF Resident Some bad events have taken place at certain Elementary schools, and it was mentioned that more bad news is on the way. With all the construction being…
Category: Schools
SSFUSD Measure J CBOC Meeting set for Tuesday, March 19, 2019
South San Francisco, CA March 14, 2019 Submitted by Donna Fentanes, SSFUSD
Reading Partners San Francisco Bay Area Announces 20th Anniversary Benefit
South San Francisco, CA March 14, 2019 PREFACE: Reading Partners San Francisco Bay Area, an early literacy nonprofit dedicated to mobilizing community volunteers to provide 1:1 tutoring to students in under-resourced schools in the SF Bay Area is celebrating its…
El Camino High School Drama Department Presents 2019 Spring Production of Romeo and Juliet March 14 through 17
South San Francisco, CA March 12, 2019 Submitted by Maryanne Mathiesen ECHS El Camino High School’s Drama Department Proudly presents it’s Spring Production of “Romeo and Juliet” happening: Thursday, March 14 @ 7 pm; Friday, March 15 @ 7 pm;…
Letter to Editor: Inadequate City Sponsored Preschool Programs in South San Francisco
South San Francisco, CA March 9, 2019 by a frustrated SSF resident and parent I would like to write in to inquire how our city money is spent and allocated. I have been a resident of South San Francisco for…
Teacher Appreciation Celebrated at Armstrong Brewing Company; Monthly Events and $5 Beers!
South San Francisco, CA March 6, 2019 Submitted by Benjamin Colombo, Armstrong Brewing Company – Move over, Mr. Belding! Armstrong Brewing Company releases “Saved by the Bel-gian” in recognition of teachers and educators nationwide. As many of the…
Letter to Editor: Extended Day Care Being Sought for Ponderosa Elementary School
South San Francisco, CA March 4, 2019 Parents of Ponderosa Elementary School students are seeking an expansion of the current after school care program as one neighbor wrote to Everything South City; “My neighborhood FB mom group posted that the…
South San Francisco High School Alumni Game set for April 6th – Bob Brian Field Orange Memorial Park
South San Francisco, CA February 27, 2019 Submitted by Jason Widrin, SSFHS Alumni Come out and show your support for South San Francisco High School baseball players at the annual alumni game to take place on April 6th at 10am…
SSF Cultural Arts and SSFUSD Are Proud to Announce the Youth Art Show on March 15th 16th
South San Francisco, CA February 26, 2019 Submitted by Ercie Santos, Cultural Arts Specialist, City of SSF 2019 YOUTH ART SHOW Presented by: The South San Francisco Cultural Arts Commission and the South San Francisco Unified School District The SSF…
FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY – Remember these neighbors when you need their services!
South San Francisco, CA February 22, 2019 from our FACEBOOK PAGE Every Friday around 8am, Everything South City posts on our Facebook Page a FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY when we ask our neighbors to promote their businesses, invite us to…