Congratulations to our new School Board Trustess:
Rick Ochsenhirt for South San Francisco School Board
Patrick Lucy for SSF Unified School District 2014
Rosa Acosta for South San Francisco School Board

879 (6.73%) votes went to Monica Peregrina-Boyd who dropped out of the race a few months ago. Voter apathy or ignorance?
Our community is so fortunate to have had so many highly qualified candidates in this election. We owe a huge thanks to all who ran and all who supported their candidates, especially the families. And to those who voted.
We wish our newly elected officials the very best as they continue working towards the best for our students, our District, and our community.
PLEASE! Join us in thanking each and every candidate who has worked so hard campaigning this year.
While we only have 3 seats open and 7 qualified candidates, we hope those that do not win this evenings bid continue the conversations & direction they have offered during this campaign.
Thank you all for your time, your energy, your $$, your life on hold while working to win a seat. You have already made a huge difference!
We salute you!
Rosa Acosta for South San Francisco School Board
John Baker for South San Francisco School Board
Patrick Lucy for SSF Unified School District 2014
Pat Murray for SSF School Board 2014
Sue Olinger
Rick Ochsenhirt for South San Francisco School Board
Philip Weise
congrats to all the winners–once again!