South San Francisco, CA, December 15, 2023 Food scraps placed in a green organics bin are transformed into renewable fuel and compost. These products reduce carbon emissions and improve the health of our environment. Thank you for using your green…
South San Francisco, CA – September 21, 2023 from the SSF Scavengers Facebook page It’s that time of year to start harvesting those fall vegetables and cleaning up our yards. Make use of your green organics cart this season! Fall…
May 24th, 2023 – from the SSF Scavengers Facebook page With Memorial Day, Father’s Day, Graduation, and Independence Day all coming up, chances are you will soon be hosting or attending a celebration. Please plan to reduce the amount of…
February 16th, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA from the SSF Scavenger Company Facebook Page A Message from SSF Scavenger Company Gus the Garbage Cart wants your empty shelf-stable boxes! These boxes are commonly used for nut & oat milk,…
January 26th, 2023 – South San Francisco, CA – from SSF Scavengers Co. & Blue Line Transfer The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program is hosting a drop-off event in South San Francisco on Saturday, February 4, 2023, 9:00am-12:00pm. Accepted items…
South San Francisco, CA – January 19th, 2023 from the South San Francisco Scavengers & Blue Line Co. Facebook page Ozzy the green organics cart craves yard trimmings, food scraps and food-soiled paper. Plastics make him sick. Rita the blue…
South San Francisco, CA – January 12th, 2023 from the SSF Scavenger & Blue Line Co. Facebook Page Sad to see trash on our beaches. We look forward to a day when big storms don’t have this result. Please dispose…
South San Francisco, CA – December 29th, 2022 From the South San Francisco Scavenger & Blue Line Transfer Co. Facebook Page The Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Program is hosting a drop-off event in South San Francisco on Saturday, January 7,…
South San Francisco, CA – December 21st, 2022 from the South San Francisco Scavenger Co. & Blue Line Transfer Facebook page 📣Service days will not change during the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s. Please put your carts out…