Urgent Survey: Where should school $$ go? LCAP

South San Francisco, CA                  April 2, 2014SSFUSD logo

We have had quite a bit of information and parent groups talk about the new State of California requirement for allocating school funding locally. Many parents have expressed deep concern that after school programs for middle school students must be addressed as statistics show the after school hours to be the time period youth tend to get into more trouble. And we have teachers and parents concerned that performing arts are not being funded and we all recognize the importance of art and appreciation in our lives is part of being a well rounded responsible person.

After Monday evening’s meeting, in which about 100 folks showed up, parents and guardians were able to come together and share their ideas that are important to them. Superintendent Hogan agreed to set up a survey to allow those who were not able to attend the opportunity to have their voices heard as well. Here is the link and information on that survey. Please share this with your neighbors and parents of school children so our district and our schools can provide the very best for our students.   More information is available on the district website HERE  USE THE OUTREACH AND SPEAK UP!



Welcome to our LCAP Survey

Dear South San Francisco Unified School District Community Member,Under California’s new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), South San Francisco Unified School District must create a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) in conjunction with community members.

Therefore, we need your input.

The School Board and I value your opinions about South San Francisco Unified School District, so please take a few minutes to complete this brief survey.

It is crucial that your voice is heard as we work together to meet the needs of all South San Francisco Unified School District students.

Your candid feedback will help us make decisions and plan for programs and services that best reflect the needs of our students and community.

Your time and consideration are greatly appreciated.

Alejandro Hogan, Superintendent
South San Francisco Unified School District

(This survey ends on April 9, 2014)

1. The Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) requires the school district to set goals in eight specific areas that serve as key ingredients to a high-quality educational program, and focus on several student subgroups. To be included, a group must contain at least 30 students. (This protects group members from being individually identified.)
Student subgroups include:-Racial/Ethnic Subgroups
-Other Subgroups
-Socioeconomically disadvantaged students
-English learners
-Students with Disabilities
-Foster Youth

The eight areas are:
-Student Achievement
-Student Engagement
-Parental Involvement
-School Climate
-Basic Services
-Course Access
-Implementation of Common Core State Standards
-Other Student Outcomes

The district must specify actions they will take to achieve their stated goals and must seek input from parents, employees and students during LCAP development.

The District must have parents review their proposed LCAP prior to Board action for approval.

The public is encouraged to submit written comments regarding the LCAP actions and proposed expenditures.

Finally, the LCAP must be approved by the San Mateo County Office of Education.

After reading this information, how well do you understand the LCAP requirements?

2. Each state-identified topic below must be included in the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). The state has provided descriptions of performance indicators for each topic. As a stakeholder in SSFUSD, please tell us how you would rank each topic in importance
Select the answer that best describes your level of satisfaction.
Not at all important Slightly important Important Fairly Important Very important No Opinion
Student Achievement — Performance on standardized tests, scores on Academic Performance Index (API), share of students who are college- and career-ready, percentage of English proficient English Learners (ELs), EL reclassification rate, percentage of students who score 3 or higher on AP exams to earn college credit
Student Engagement — School attendance rates, chronic absenteeism rate, dropout rates (middle school or high school), high school graduation rate
School Climate — School safety, student discipline, student suspension rate, expulsion rate, student support, academic preparation and school leadership
Parent Involvement — Efforts to seek parent involvement, promotion of parental participation, school atmosphere, feeling welcome, etc.
Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) — Access to high-quality English and mathematics instruction and materials
Basic Services — Quality of school facilities, access to high quality subject materials, transportation, food services, highly qualified staff
Course Access — Student access and enrollment in all state and locally required courses
Other Student Outcomes — Grades, exams or other student performance measures


3. Rank the LCAP priorities in terms of need-of-attention for our district, with #1 = Needing the most attention and #8 = Needing the least attention.(As you change numbers, the items will shift until it displays the list in your preferred order. Then click “NEXT”)

Parent Involvement
Student Achievement
School Climate
Student Engagement
Implementation of Common Core State Standards (CCSS)
Basic Services
Course Access
Other Student Outcomes
4. Do you have suggestions for the priority areas or are there programs you would like the district to consider for the LCAP? (enter text in the box below item heading)
5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the quality of South San Francisco Unified School District?
6. This section focuses on the current direction of the SSFUSD School Board.Before today, how familiar were you with the Board’s five goal areas?

Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar


7. This section focuses on the current direction of the Superintendent.Before today, how familiar were you with the District Board Goals which guides the work of the Superintendent?

Not Familiar Somewhat Familiar Moderately Familiar Very Familiar
Each student will be provided with an array of rigorous academic learning experiences that will allow them to become well-rounded citizens of the community.
The District will implement a coherent staff development program for classified employees, certificated staff members, and the District’s leadership that will be aligned with the components of the Board of Trustees’ vision and goals.
The District will cultivate a caring and inclusive relationship with the community, engaging parents to become active participants in their children’s learning experiences.
The District and Board will implement appropriate policies for students and staff to ensure that technology is strategically used as the District continues to enhance its technological capability.
The District will continue to maintain a solvent budget, including a stable reserve to support decisions made in the best interest of the students.

8. What is your primary affiliation with SSFUSD?


9. If a parent, student, or employee, which are your school(s)? (Select all that apply)


Thank you for your participation.




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John Baker
John Baker
10 years ago

Great survey, but clicking boxes on the above doesn’t actually submit it to the District. Be sure to click the link to the actual survey that’s included in the story: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PW98XJJ