Loretta Heon and her beagle Shyla were viciously attacked by 2 dogs while on Centennial Way.
Photo: Jovanni Heon
She laid in the ditch screaming for help for half an hour as two dogs continued to attack her and her small beagle this past Thursday morning while on the Centennial Trail in South San Francisco. Other walkers and joggers continued on their way, never stopping to help Loretta Heon as she was viciously attacked by a Pit Bull and a German Shepard.
The skies were finally clear, free from rain and storms as Heon and her pup Shyla started out on their run on the morning of December 18th. Heon often brings her grandchildren with her but this day they could not join her. As Heon passed behind the Orowheat Bakery two unleashed dogs, without owners in sight, approached and began to attack both Heon and Shyla. The two dogs attacked with what Heon believes was with the intent to do more than harm, they were out to kill. Finally someone on the trail stopped and called the police for help. When they arrived they needed to tass the dogs in order to stop the attack. Medics on scene stabilized Heon and rushed her to the hospital with her body battered with wounds to her face, arms and legs. Her pup Shyla needed mouth to snout emergency resuscitation and was brought to the emergency vets where she remains hospitalized.
South San Francisco neighbor Scott Poggenburg and his wife were out for their morning walk around 8:45am when they came across two people who told them not to continue down the trail because there was a pitbull attacking another dog. “We heard yelling and sounds from a dog. The Police were just getting there as we walked past.” he said ” When we came back about 45 minutes later the two police cars and animal control cars were getting ready to leave. Someone was carrying a dog out.”
“I never blame dogs. It is the owners responsibility” said Tony Rotach, Heon’s son. While physical wounds may heal, how do you heal that fear of being attacked? How do you go back out on the trail? “This is my mom’s passion. She is an animal lover. She doesn’t drive and her daily outings on Centennial Trail are what she looks forward to.”
The expense of the medical and vet bills continue to mount. Heon’s health insurance will not cover all of her emergency care. Shyla’s vet bills will also run into the thousands as she is being monitored around the clock for serious wounds. Heon’s daughter Jovanni has set up a ‘Go Fund Me‘ campaign and is asking for donations to help cover some of these bills.
“We are asking for any donations to help offset some of the hospital and vet fees.” Jovanni writes on the website.
The owners of the attacking dogs may have been found. “The dogs may end up being put down” Rotach said. “It’s not the dogs fault, it’s the owners. As animal lovers this hurts us all.” Will his mom decide to use the trail again, perhaps with a walking group we asked. “We don’t know right now, that might be an idea for the future. Right now mom is traumatized and needs to heal.”
“This has been a very tumultuous experience and my hope is to at least relieve some of the financial burden from her” said Jovanni. For those who would like to make a donation please click HERE.
UPDATE from the family:
We wanted to let you all know that Loretta and Shyla are doing well and on their road to recovery. Loretta and Shyla (and our entire family) want to thank each and every one of you from the bottom of our hearts for your generous support and donations to help them out during this difficult time! Medical bills are a bit lower than we initially anticipated so far (thank god!) although we have not factored in any of their subsequent follow ups they’ll be having in the days to come. Owner of the two assaulting dogs have been found and his cooperation to take responsibility of any or all of the medical bills is unclear at the moment.
I would never take my dog there and she’s a pit bull who is always on a leach. It’s too secluded, they need to fix that trail up with lots of lights and cameras that way at least we can find the people who are doing wrong. I have heard of people getting robbed and raped on that trail – don’t we have money for that….
[…] flood damage to the homes in Francisco Terrace have had negative effects on many pets. The two dogs that recently attacked Lorretta Heon while she was walking on Centennial Trail, belonged to home owners that were displaced by the […]
[…] flood damage to the homes in Francisco Terrace have had negative effects on many pets. The two dogs that recently attacked Lorretta Heon while she was walking on Centennial Trail, belonged to home owners that were displaced by the […]
Everything South City has learned the owners of the dogs that attacked our neighbor on the Centennial Trail earlier this month had been displaced from their home due to flood damage. The owners were not allowed to stay in their home yet had their dogs responsibility locked up when the gate was accidentally left open by other agencies assessing/helping with the flood damage. We hope they, along with many other neighbors in the Terrace, are back in a warm home. Please keep them all in your thoughts as they work on their damaged homes & replace lost items.
I am in Houston, Texas and came across this article. What could have happened here, is that many people were afraid of stepping up because they were afraid of being attacked or bitten also. There are very few hero’s out there. But, I am hoping that more than one person cared enough to call 911? So, what took the police so long to respond? There are irresponsible pet owners and also wild dogs here in Houston. It has been on the news here also about vicious dog attacks but, always someone has stepped up to help! The people who stood by and did nothing know who they are and have to live with the knowledge of their cowardly behavior. I feel Crystal Wolfs anger and frustration and hope enough people back her desire to do something in that area. Suing the city would get their attention. We have Police on horseback in all our large city parks here.
Even MONKEY’s won’t leave a injured monkey!!! We as humans have DEVOLVED!!! Shame on US and Shame on all those that walked by!!!
I hope the family sues “The City”.
It is the only way things “Get done” is if $$$$$ is involved.
Tammy & the others who care…its time to get the city council and the police dept involved. This trail is the site of a unsolved Murder back in the 70’s when the property was owned by RodCo.
There have been numerous attacks.
The police COULD be patrolling by bike like they did before on Grand ave but don’t? Why? What good is a trail to walk on if not safe?
The owner of the dogs has apparently stepped up to help but why were his dogs running loose/unleashed to attack this woman with her leashed dog? These are questions I’m prepared to ask the city council if I can get people to join me….
The next city council meeting is in the first week of Jan? Is any one going to go and complain about the lack of safety? Remember it could be your MOM, your daughter, your sister!!! Complaining on social media is not enough! This is our city, our town Lets make it safe!!!Grassroots effort, complain about the lack of police patrol on the centennial trail.
What good is building new condo’s and apt if its not safe to walk? It has to be grass roots and people complain at city council meetings to the police. If anyone wants to go to the jan City Council meeting please reply here with #Gomeeting The CITY should take a proactive move on this before they are sued!
I don’t care if the idiots had earbuds on, I don’t care if they are retarded/stupid we need police patrol on Centennial trail!!
This just breaks my heart…. I just cannot imagine why people do not help their fellow man. We are on this earth to help one another. Why, why, why did someone not stop sooner? Are people that afraid of not getting involved? SHAMEFUL!!!
It is true as pet owners it is our responsibility on caring for our pets and making sure they are contained in a nice environment. This protects our pet and others.
I pray during this holiday season we can show some compassion to one another.
Tammy, Skip (Jack Russell), Lucky (Jack Russell) and Precious (Jack Russell)
Please donate to help…. Both the pet and her owner. Pray for healing emotionally and physically.
I drove by the area and noticed a crowd of people standing on the trail. Apparently, not one of them bothered to assist the poor woman and her dog. Shameful!
Ok, really? The heading states that everyone ignored this woman’s plight while walking by. Did they really see that she was being attacked? I just can not imagine witnessing that the dogs were attacking her and walking on without trying to help or call the police. Perhaps they heard noises but couldn’t see and called the police? Quit making the headline statements that inflame
others. Is it done as an attention getter? Did this poor woman state that she saw people looking at her being attacked and just walked on? Or is is contrived? I know that there would be nothing to stop me from trying to help her. Kicking the dogs, pulling their tails, throwing rocks….something. And anyone in my family would do the same. Unless they had ear buds in while running and she was completely out of site….Be accurate.
Please read the information at the GO FUND ME link included in the article to confirm that ‘She laid in a ditch for 30 minutes while people walked by and no one would stop to help.’ This was further confirmed verbally by family members.
Thank you.
Is there a way to send a donation to a physical mail box instead of online?
A check may be sent to her son Tony Rohatch’s attention at:
Mancave Memorablia
957 Inudustrial Road Suite C
San Carlos, CA 94070
Thank you for asking.
ESC glad you changed the Headline on this. Its so disappointing in our society and stupid that these people Willfully ignored this lady getting attacked or had “earbuds” in their ears (eyes too?) that they didn’t see or hear her screams for help.
And EPIC POLICE FAIL!!! How many people have to get attacked/killed/mauled/maimed/robbed on this “fun trail” before SSF City Council/SSFPD DO anything??? Maybe a Epic suit is in order? Money seems to be the only way things get done…
“The expense of the medical and vet bills continue to mount. Heon’s health insurance will not cover all of her emergency care. Shyla’s vet bills will also run into the thousands as she is being monitored around the clock for serious wounds.”
“The city” should be paying these bills before they are sued!!! We have a right to be safe in our city and if the police isn’t patrolling (they aren’t how many attacks on this trail?) they should be sued! Money is the ONLY way the city WILL Patrol the area if they get sued for NOT Patrolling the area!!!
That area (Centennial way) & BARTS ST. is the scene of a Murder so many years ago, when RodCo owned the property there.
Its always been a “problem” area.Now the street is so screwed up ppl drive the wrong way there, attack people and now this dog attack and WHERE ARE the POLICE? oh at JoAnnes!!!!
Cops need to bike patrol there. Period.
The cops will troll at night looking for DMV expired stickers at 2:30 in the morning but will not patrol the Centennial way? Something very wrong…but unless everyone goes to a City Council meeting and demands action, nothing will be done.
Lets all go to the next meeting!!! Who is in?
I usually walk down there month with my dog to get dog food. I bring a cart to carry the food. I don’t have a car. Another local buisness just lost out to Amazon b/c the city is not safe!!!
I guess I’m just going to order from amazon.
Poor lady and her pooch I hope is ok!
And where ARE the COPS??
And SHAME on the people who ran by and did not help! One day you will need help and see what happens.
The cops should be patrolling that trial on bikes!!! Or a Horse!!!
But that would mean WORK and we can’t have that can we???
I am so sorry for the mental anguish u and your beautiful little have come up against. Humans should be jailed for putting your pup and u in danger like this. Yes I do believe it is not the dogs who r at fault. I cant stand people who r allowed to get dogs, and then raise them like this. God Be with u both.
Very upsetting. If it’s not dogs attacking its people attacking people. I’m not sure centennial trail was a good idea. I hope they heal soon.