Everything South City is an online community group where people share what’s up in South City in real time. This is a recap of some of the past week’s posts. Join in on the conversation at www.EverythingSouthCity.com or find us on Facebook (you do not need a FB account to view the conversations, only to comment)
What are the latest happenings on Everything South City? This week conversations include:
A SOLUTION offered to help clean up our BB Fields and surrounding area at Orange Park by the KIWANIS One Day Service Project to be done on April 28 8:30-3:30; painting the bleachers and signs, repairing the field, removing graffiti & debris and planting adjacent to the fields in preparation for the ‘Junior Giants Baseball Season’, the flagship program of the SF Giants Community Fund. Join in and help by contacting [email protected]
Now this ‘Junior Giants Baseball Season’ is for our kids aged 7-14 to have fun and practice once a week with games on Saturdays. Registration is coming up April 28 1-3pm up at Terra Bay Gym and Bill Stridbeck is the man in charge so call him at 650-829-4683.
Last week we held one of our ESC GAME ON contests and asked our followers to post a photo of them with their copy of the Peninsula Progress in front of the place they found it. The winner this week is Kris Peradotto in front of 7-11 with Peninsula Progress. (see photo)
For those loving the new ‘food trucks’ Gateway Food Truck SSF shouts out from 901 Gateway about the fab foods that come to this location daily including Adam’s Grub Truck which is now included in OFF THE GRID. Find Adam’s Grub on some Saturdays over at Lowes on Dubuque. Tell ‘em ESC sent you and you’ll get the hook you up! Some major Sammies!
A shout is given out to STEVE GALILEO on his win this past weekend at Infineon with his sweet ’64 Pontiac. WTG!
Business continues to BOOM at Bronstein’s as they now have over 300 students enrolled in their music classes. Most excellent news and Bronstein’s just hooked up with some new financing to help folks get what they need – (650) 588-5978- Tell them ESC sent you!
You know that glass looking building on Hwy 101 near Oyster Point? It’s been empty since it was completed four years ago. Meyer’s Centennial Tower will now be renting the top 3 floors (90,000 sf) to Success Factor who will be vacating their San Mateo office for this move by the year end. Myers is still seeking to build the 2nd phase in this area with a 20 story (365,000 sf) high rise.
More building or over building of our city was a hot topic as we had follow up conversations regarding the El Camino ‘Corridor’, including the 636 ECR development next to SSFHS. Eye sore or sorely needed housing? More to come as BL shared the city’s Visual Illustration of potential development on El Camino Real near Kaiser and over to Old Mission Road. Lots on the drawing board as this area has been re-zoned for high density and high rises. (See Photo)
Some good memories were rehashed on 4/20 as someone shared the cover of the old Enterprise Journal from April 20, 1977 with Southwood girls and their art work. Great share. (see photo)
Heads up – May 5th at Orange Park 10am-2pm, get your veggies on is another shout out we received on our Everything South City Facebook Page, get ready for our Farmers Market return.
Photos from Peninsula Hospital demolition were shared along with some bittersweet memories of the coming and goings of so many of our family and friends. Another end of an era, and the beginning of something new.
Also shared was information on the upcoming Serra Bowl Auction of mementos from another old school haunt that has seen its last day. Friday, April 27th. Preview at 9am with the auction to begin at 11am.
A lot of conversation over the new stop sign at Grand and Eucalyptus. Overall opinion in favor of it because of the increase in traffic here in the past few years. There was an accident there on Friday April 27th as we all get use to this new stop. Be aware.
Demolition is getting underway up at the Westborough Center but Bank of the West and Walgreens are said to remain open during construction. Good to know this area will get a revamp although many great memories were made here, especially at Denny’s and the Pub.
We also had some conversations on our site about the other shopping centers up in the Westborough areas, and how they all are in need of some renovation. No good words for Brentwood, Southwood, or Chestnut shopping centers have come through either, but lots of excitement about the Grocery Outlet off Hickey in the Winston Manor Shopping Center except now parking can be horrendous. Tomatoe, Tomato, ya know?
Word out is we really need some decent shopping centers in our city. But don’t take away our views. Much discourse on the recent rezoning to increase building heights on El Camino Real and other areas in our town. The city did a lot of outreach to the public for input before this passed and ESC worked to help keep people in the know.
Best news of the week; Kurt Yaeger, a South City High guy from the 90’s continues to tear it up wherever he goes. Kurt was one of the original professionals extreme sport BMX racers and is now an Actor/Director, model, director, professional athlete and a below-the-knee amputee after a motorcycle accident. He was a big part of The Dolphin Tale in his role as Tim. His latest movie, Sci-Fi Horror Flick, Camel Spiders was also well received. His current project is back to extreme BMX and this time with a camera on his prosthetic knee. What inspiration – you need to check him out. ESC shouts out to Kurt – WTG!
ESC invites you to use our FREE online SSF Police Dispatcher Scanner and listen in real time to our great dispatchers as they handle calls from South City, Colma, and Pacifica. http://www.radioreference.com/apps/audio/?feedId=8594
So what’s up South City? Let us know at www.EverythingSouthCity.com or
[email protected] or 650/201.3331