Coyote sightings in South City

Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated as such. Enjoy them from a distance and do not feed them.

Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated as such. Enjoy them from a distance and do not feed them.

There have been many recent reports of coyote sightings in our city. While this is not new, there does seem to be an increase in sightings as well as more public locations. San Bruno Mountain range has long been home to a multitude of wild life, coyotes included. Through the years sightings on Sign Hill and areas near the Golden Gate National Cemetery have been somewhat common.

However recent sightings have been reported on Hillside Blvd near Gimbals and also on El Camino Real near Arroyo.
Debbie Lallas reports, “We saw one crossing Grand Ave at Eucalyptus the other nite! Kinda cool!”. There also have been many reports of coyote sightings at Orange Memorial Park and in the general area,  which has prompted city officials to post a warning sign.

While coyotes are not considered dangerous to most people, caution is still warranted, especially for small children and pets. It is important to remember they are ‘wild animals’ and should be treated as such and not fed or encouraged to return to populated areas. This is for their good as well as the public.

Coyote warning posted at Orange Memorial Park near the BBQ area.

Coyote warning posted at Orange Memorial Park near the BBQ area.

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Cynthia Marcopulos
Cynthia Marcopulos
12 years ago

Coyotes, they are a concern for those of us with pets, of course. The hawk population over by Hickey and Longford is growing, too, which is a concern for cats and small creatures. But, last year, I saw two deer walk from Longford into the cemetery behind Sutton. We’ve never had deer in this area in the cemetery.

Loretta Brooks
Loretta Brooks
12 years ago

We were thrilled to see a pair of foxes on the hill as well. That these wild creatures are able to live in such a thickly urbanized area is a testament to what we have done right in terms of allowing open spaces for them to be able to eke out a living where there are so many loud cars, cycles and barking dogs and so many other hazards to their existence. We are so glad they are there and feel they are not dangerous. Thank you for including this article, Loretta Brooks and Chuck Heimstadt