Coyote Update

Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated as such. Enjoy them from a distance and do not feed them.

Coyotes are wild animals and should be treated as such. Enjoy them from a distance and do not feed them.

COYOTES: Last Saturday night, January 26, Angelina Anderson Media let us know that a coyote was spotted on Chestnut, that was about 9:30pm. At 8:30 tonight we had another heads up; ”at 830 coyotes were heard all around sign hill sounds like there comin out tonite everybody that walks there dog at night should watch out”

Thanks for the look out everyone. Remember coyotes are ‘wild’ animals so please do not attempt to domesticate ie feed, them. And again, heed the warning to keep small pets inside, especially at night.



Here are some of the comments from our friends on Facebook.  Feel free to add your comments at the bottom of this story.


 Nicol Montano: I hope they relocate them and NOT kill them

Will Gunn; I hope they let them stay this is their home we need to learn to share it


Justin Cresci: I wonder why they all migrated to the center of SSF. Like I said about a month ago during the meteor shower 3 of them came out of the wooded area next to Skyline Blvd about 1am. They just looked at me and kept walking along the trail


Heather Gutierrez; I heard them a few nights ago after hearing police sirens. I think it was about 2:30 Saturday morning.


Carlos Solis: If you r walking with a friend, make sure your faster than your friend, and if you’re not throw some dirt in your friends eye, or even trip him, or her so that u get a head start. Better them then you right?????


Laura Michaelis: saw one loping up Spruce just before Christmas heading that direction. Didn’t seem to care about the cars or people.


Justin Guzman: Heard one on Sunday at about 1am while walking on the corner of Spruce and Grand Ave. Sounded like it was coming from the canal or Orange Park


Yolanda Buckley: They deserve to survive too! Please don’t kill them!

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