Thief in our midst – South City residents fight back

South San Francisco CA July 1, 2013

Everything South City received a post on our Facebook Page this morning alerting us to a theft up on Cottonwood that took place this weekend. We took the information provided by South City resident Kris Peradotto and rewrote the following message:

Dear Thief,

Our message to thieves- and would be thieves - move on - we see you!

Our message to thieves- and would be thieves – move on – we see you!

Late Friday night or Saturday morning you stole tool bags and gun screws out of the back of a truck up near Cottonwood. You need to know the owner has had these tools for years and wants them back. Perhaps to you they are an easy sell for a couple of bucks but to the owner they could be the way he makes his living. What’s right is right, what is wrong is wrong. Make it right and return those items immediately. The whole city will be looking out if you don’t.
-Concerned neighbors
PS Best to return the items prior to the checking of surveillance cameras. We do not tolerate thieves well in this city. Don’t make us put your picture up here on ESC.

Within a short time over 100 people agreed with comments coming in such as these:

Matt Wendt Smh ,damn dope fiends

Russell Newton What tools were stolen? Maybe we can all donate any extra tools some of us may have laying around the house..

Juan Lainez Do it!! Do it!!

Ale Novelo Do it !!!!!

Dino Fontana YOU GOIN’ TO JAIL NOW! lol

John Kevranian Please post picture!

Kris Peradotto I will get some pictures up later to show what it all looks like that where stolen ..I am posting this for a friend because he does not use facebook

Everything South City Thanks Kris Peradotto We will also parlay info to our website for those that are not on FB. Way to look out for a buddy, much appreciated by us all.

Juan Lainez I mean I don’t want no thief around my place. I know the feeling of having something stolen from u when U work hard to get it!!

Jeff Gallegos Probably the same assholes who broke into my truck.

Elisa Nunez Good neighbors stick together

Nick Delorio If anyone is looking for professional home camera installations shoot me a message.

Marie BlackOwl people on our block have cameras all over they are great. Get this we even have them in trees !!!

You have to love how our ‘little city’ rallies together and thanks to Kris Peradotto for posting the following photos of items that were taken from his friend’s truck. At the encouragement of South City’s Russell Newton we are hoping neighbors can step up and help donate any tools they have to help out.  If you can help out please contact us either in comment or email us at and we will hook you up with Kris. Thanks!

This what the tool bag looks like with hammer and plenty of other tools inside the bags Photo: Kris Peradotto

This what the tool bag looks like with hammer and plenty of other tools inside the bags
Photo: Kris Peradotto

This is the screw gun bag had one impacked screw gun one screw gun 4batterys and one charger Photo: Kris Peradotto

This is the screw gun bag had one impacked screw gun one screw gun 4batterys and one charger
Photo: Kris Peradotto

The screw guns that where taken Photo: Kris Peradotto

The screw guns that where taken
Photo: Kris Peradotto

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