![Police Blotter](https://everythingsouthcity.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Police-Blotter.jpg)
We are sharing a few random police dispatch calls which gives us an idea of what is happening around town.
Burglary Occurred at McDonalds on S Airport Bl. , Ssf. OCC WITHIN LAST 30 MIN VICITM VEH/BLK FORD WINDOW SMASH LUGGAGE STOLEN. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Burglary Occurred on Juniper Av, Ssf. rp said that the window looks like it was tampererd with 664/459 (pd and fire was out there yesterday for 10-55). . Disposition: Log Note Only.
Burglary Occurred at Oyster Cove Marina on Oyster Point Bl. , Ssf. Occ’d within last 2 hrs ago -1062 in parking lot – window smash – 09 volks jetta / unk whats taken Disposition: Report Taken.
Dist Others Occurred at Warm Solutions on Grand Av. , Ssf. RP SAYS 6 PROTESTERS ARE IN FRONT OF BUSINESS BLOCKING RP’S BUSINESS DOOR THEY ARE CARRYING SIGNS. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.
Traffic Law Vehicle Occurred at Hillside Bl/School St, Ssf. Just turned onto school — being followed by a range rover Service Class: WPH2. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Suicide Occurred on Gardenside Av, Ssf. RP FOUND HIS FRIEND IN BYARD BLOODY. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Dist Others Occurred at Warm Solutions on Grand Av. , Ssf. RP SAYS 6 PROTESTERS ARE IN FRONT OF BUSINESS BLOCKING RP’S BUSINESS DOOR THEY ARE CARRYING SIGNS. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.
Suspicious Circumstances Officer initiated activity at B St, So. San Francisco.2 SUBJS ON ROOF ONE WENT INSIDE AND ONE IS STILL THERE ST –. . Disposition: Cover Unit.
Coroners Case Occurred on Imperial Dr, Pacifica. Service Class: RESD/ doesnt know if husband is alive or not..xfr to medics. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Dist Party Occurred on Howard Ct, Ssf. House w/ balloons out front – rpx just picked her daughter up from house and she smelled of alcohol – rpx confronted parent and they denied having alcohol there – they were confrontational – rpx left the area with her daughter (Hundred block.) Disposition: Log Note Only.
Welfare Check Occurred at Bart/Mission Rd, Ssf. 5 ago on the trail // have ofc come in from bart side going towards chestnut // older wfa blonde long hair // grey top and black pants // possibly 1051 // dropping her pants and staggering // looks disoriented Disposition: Gone On Arrival.
Property Incident Occurred at Grand Av/Airport Bl, Ssf. 1062 RP at // found purse at above location // unable to come to the pd to drop it off // DL # in purse is . Disposition: Report Taken.
Warrant Arrest
Officer initiated activity at Armour Av, So. San Francisco.(Hundred block.) beer bottles thrown at patrol car — no sus desc. . Disposition: Arrest Made
Assault Occurred on Second Ln, Ssf. Male subj on the ground – was punched and is on the ground / rpx’s husband heard something and went out to look and found subj
Disposition: Report Taken.
Disposition: Report Taken.
Police Mutual Aid Occurred at Dubuque Av/Oyster Point Bl, Ssf. on op on ramp white vehicle male subject rp sees his legs but he is not moving n/b 101 at op on ramp at the lights door is open Disposition: Assisted.
Narcotics Officer initiated activity at San Mateo Av, So. San Francisco. . Disposition: Arrest Made.
Disorderly Conduct Occurred at Travelodge Hotel on S Airport Bl. , Ssf. Room 232 possible prostittion maids keep seeing several males going in the room room rented to drk for past 14 days and paid cash mgr. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Warrant Arrest Officer initiated activity at Arroyo Dr, So. San Francisco. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Police Mutual Aid Occurred on Info Av, Ssf. blvd – PCF REQUESTING A K9 FOR A SEARCH. . Disposition: Log Note
Property Incident Occurred at Citigarden Inn on S Airport Bl. , Ssf. Found gun in one of the room 10-62 rp gun was found a few months ago. . Disposition: Report Taken.
Dist Juveniles Officer initiated activity at Westborough Park, Westborough Bl, So. San Francisco. . Disposition: Abated/Advised.
SPCA Case Occurred on Larch Av, Ssf. Barking dog since 1600hrs
rp/”just a neighbor” – rti. . Disposition: Checks Ok.
Pole Light Out Officer initiated activity at Parklane Apartments, Memorial Dr, So. San Francisco. . Disposition: Referred To Other Agency.
Dist Fight Occurred on Irving St, Ssf. Rp says a female friend shoved her out of the bathroom/ both subjs still inside house/separated/can hear other in backround
Disposition: Checks Ok.
Dist Domestic Occurred on Commercial Av, Ssf. Rp vs her husband/ she says he tried to wrestle her down /can hear male yelling in backround