SSFPD want your blood at the annual blood drive

South San Francisco, CA       February 10, 2014              Submitted by SSFPD SSFPD logo

The South San Francisco Police Department and The Blood Centers of the Pacific are inviting donors to its annual Blood Drive.  Mark your calendars!

Location: Municipal Services Building, Police Training Room
Address: 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco
Time: 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Date: Thursday, March 13, 2014

Donor Requirements:
Be in good health
Weigh at least 110 lbs
Eat before donating and drink extra water or juice
Bring your ID

Raffle prizes are being given out by the SSF Police Association and Blood Centers of the Pacific.


To schedule an appointment online, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Visit Blood Centers of the Pacific website:
  2. Click on Donate Blood.
  3. The site will direct you on the steps to follow.
  4. Enter “south san francisco police department” when the system asks for a sponsor code

For more information, contact Maida Ng at (650) 877-8906.  Walk-ins are welcome.

This is a great cause. Be a HERO and donate blood. Thank you!

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11 years ago

Don’t eat a heavy meal!!!! Why do they always tell people to eat? If you eat bacon and eggs or a huge meal
your blood will not be able to be tested.
We used to spend HOURS trying to dilute blood that looked like cream to test it!
Eat light. They usually have donuts after and OJ.