Update: Centennial Transit Village

South San Francisco, CA   February 27, 2014

Residents say this project is too large for the area

This project should be decided by City Council on March 12, 2014

The City Council agenda item, Centennial Transit Village, has been continued for another 2 weeks Council voted last evening. It will once again come before the public on March 12th. The applicant is seeking additional financial backing to allow the development to be completed in one phase rather than the two phases. Councilman Gupta expressed his excitement to hear this might be completed in one phase. Councilman Addiego said he was looking forward to this project coming to fruition while Councilman Garbarino said he had a few more questions to resolve. Councilwoman Normandy stated last year at this time she was in the audience and that the 2 week extension was reasonable to see all facts completed at once.

Additional comments were made about senior housing since this project at 180 El Camino Real will be home to approximately 284 apartment units. Steve Mattas, our interim city manager and attorney with our contracted law firm, replied to Mayor Matsumoto’s question about the Rotarians plan to build senior housing. He offered that the 323 Miller Avenue location might be part of that conversation and should be dealt with separately.

So it appears council will follow the approval of the Planning Commission and the recommendation of from the Staff report and approve this project at the next council meeting set for March 12th at 7pm.


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10 years ago

I agree with the person that commented about downtown So SF being a ghetto dump
grand ave looks like east Palo Alto no decent restaurants and a lot of rundown stores with plenty of homeless people how shameful.

john hernandez
john hernandez
11 years ago

nice but what about your toilet grand and linden full of drudges homeless gang bangers this is your city down town and you call it old south city shame on all of you in the pass and present city council no supper market on this side of your town had a chance for Wal-Mart but you blew that one two I live here and never shop or eat here your health department is on the take no other city is so dirty walk in side the cable car rear entrance a few years of grease on linden the roster bakery no sneeze guards you can cough and sneeze on the bread you need to fire all of this crooks sorry to say 56 years here and its still a dump with no supper market in your forgotten part of your city your down town and linden PS all make your statements enough is enough join me and speak out

Joyce Messing
Joyce Messing
11 years ago

Improvement long overdue for that area, I want it done , the pictures are so nice, San Bruno has Tanfo and
sb center. Can’t we have some nice shopping in ssf