SSF Downtown; The Next Twenty Years

South San Francisco, CA       July 9, 2014

Exciting news for all of us who look forward to seeing our downtown upgraded! We’ve had so many neighbors ask when and what will be happening and now we have an better idea of the future view of our downtown. The improvements would be within one half mile of the CalTrain Station.  Mark your calendars for an important Open House to preview the draft Plan on July 24, 2014 at the former Ford dealership at 315 Airport Boulevard (corner of Miller) from 6p-8pm. The city states ‘The Open House will include a presentation about the Plan, storyboard depictions and comment stations covering major plan areas. Public comments will be taken in both English and Spanish. The purpose of the meeting is to inform the public about the Plan and to answer questions.’ (please see press release HERE) 

The City of South San Francisco has been doing extensive outreach to the community to gather ideas on how the public would like to see the downtown area revitalized.  The City has held a dozen meetings to date to work towards bringing the much needed change to our downtown area. (see below for list of Mtgs with links). This open house will showcase the results of the input from all stakeholders involved and allowing more questions and comments to be added to this ongoing project.

The City website describes the overall purpose of the plan

The Downtown Station Area Plan will guide the City of South San Francisco in its planning efforts to create a vibrant, transit-supportive, diverse downtown. The Plan will study opportunities, craft a vision for the Downtown core, and identify an implementation process to achieve the city and community’s goals. The plan will provide connectivity to the downtown and Caltrain station area, encourage long-term development that is transit-supportive and provide accessibility for all community members. Design standards will be developed to enable the city to guide future development in the public and private realms in the study area.

A one half mile radius around CalTrain will be revitalized as part of a 20 year plan

A one half mile radius around CalTrain will be revitalized as part of a 20 year plan






























Past Meetings and Workshops

Community Workshop 3 – September 17, 2013

Agenda and Meeting Notes  |  Presentation  |  Handout

Citizen Advisory Group Meeting – August 19, 2013


Technical Advisory Committee Meeting – August 19, 2013

Agenda | Presentation

City Council | Planning Commission Joint Study Session – June 19, 2013

Pre-meeting packet  |  Agenda  |  Presentation

Community Workshop 2 – December 8, 2012

Agenda   |  Presentation  | Presentation Boards

Technical Advisory Group Meeting 4 – October 30, 2012

Agenda   |  Presentation

Citizens Advisory Group Meeting 3 – October 9, 2012

Agenda   |   Presentation

Community Workshop #1 – September 8, 2012

Presentation   |   Imagery Boards   |  Circulation Boards   |  Land Use Board

Citizens Advisory Group Meeting 2 – August 14, 2012

Agenda   |   Presentation

Technical Advisory Group Meeting 2 – July 17, 2012

Agenda   |  Presentation

Citizens Advisory Group Meeting 1 – June 12, 2012

Agenda and Minutes   |   Presentation

Technical Advisory Group Meeting 1 – April 26, 2012

Agenda and Minutes   |   Presentation

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