SSFPD Citizen’s Academy Sept 2014 Forming NOW

South San Francisco, CA   August 22, 2014  Submitted by SSFPDSSFPD logo

** Classes are forming now and start on Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 at 6:30 PM **

Would you like to know more about the police department that serves your community?  Have you ever been curious about the police department and what it does? 

Here is your chance to get an inside look at the South San Francisco Police Department, how it functions, how it trains its officers, what its values are, and what it offers the citizens of our community.

If you work or live in South San Francisco and are interested, then we would like you to attend our “Citizens’ Police Academy” free of charge!  Classes are two and a half hours long and run once a week for twelve weeks starting on Tuesday, September 16th. 

Each class teaches a different aspect of police work that ranges from the hiring of officers, to SWAT team and K-9 team demonstrations, to firearms training in our own shooting range.  Each class is unique, packed with information, and a lot of fun!

Requirements: Work or live in South San Francisco (some exceptions may apply), be 18 years or older, free of any felony convictions, and have an interest in learning!

Classes in English are limited to 25 people – call Corporal Sean Curmi for more information at (650) 829-3931 or email [email protected]




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[…] Everything South City Be sure to sign up for the SSFPD Citizen’s Police Academy – starts THIS month and is led by Corporal Sean Curmi for more information at (650) 829-3931 or email [email protected] MORE INFO HERE […]

10 years ago

Do you guys offer this class on any other days besides Tuesdays? I’m interested but I already have a weekly commitment on Tuesdays. Thanks!


[…] While the majority of folks greatly appreciate the work done by our police many are concerned about what they see as ‘militarization’ of police departments. To this end, Everything South City strongly recommends those who live and/ or work in South San Francisco to sign up for the FREE 12 week course, Citizen’s Police Academy, offered by our own Police Department. The next session is starting September 16th and registration is taking place now. Cpl Sean Curmi will be leading this upcoming class.  More info CLICK HERE […]


[…] South San Francisco  Citizen’s Police Academy is a 12 week FREE course offered to those who live or work in our city.  This past Spring Class […]