Kiwanis Club of SSF Hawaiian Night Fundraiser

South San Francisco, CA                April 28, 2015          Submitted by Paul Formosa

Hawaiian Night Dinner & Dancing by the Bay with entertainment by SSF’s Hawaiian Cultural Center Hālau ‘o Keikiali’i and DJ Sabrina Bortoli. The event will include a silent auction, raffle prizes, Hawaiian entertainment, DJ dancing and dinner…it’s a fun evening and sharing of the “Aloha Spirit” for all who attend.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

$45 per person

Cocktails @ 5:00 pm     Dinner & Entertainment @ 6:00 pm

SSF Scavenger Company, 500 E. Jamie Court (Haskins Way @ E. Grand), South San Francisco

Please RSVP by Thursday April 3oth (extended) – space is limited to the first 100 tickets sold (no on-site ticket sales.)

Order tickets online at or mail the attached RSVP form with payment.

Contact Lisa with questions at [email protected] or (415) 938-6870.

This is one of our club’s major annual fundraisers and 100% of the funds raised will benefit our Sponsored Leadership Programs (SFSU Circle K, ECHS & SSFHS Key Clubs) and donations to community programs like Close-Up, Sojourn to the Past, Boys & Girls Clubs, SSF Library, student scholarships, Santa Comes to Town, Christmas Food Baskets and more. Mahalo nui loa na ho’olaule’a me la kaua.

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