South San Francisco, CA December 15, 2015 by SSFUSD Superintendent Dr. S. Moore
To all SSFUSD Staff,

This is one of my favorite times of the year and before you leave for the holiday break, I want to express my sincere wishes for each of you to have a wonderful and celebratory holiday; I hope you are able to rest, rejuvenate, and spend time with those whom you love. It’s important to stop to remember and appreciate all the gifts we’ve been blessed with as many have challenges and struggles that make it hard this time of year. This is the time of year for us to spread love and cheer to one another by being kind, patient, and supportive as we seek to provide the best service to our students and our colleagues. It has been a wonderful blessing serving this District and community and I am enthused about all we can and will accomplish in the New Year!
This week, you will receive a pamphlet, Superintendent’s Corner, which provides an update for what things have been happening throughout the district for the past few months.
Additionally, I wanted to share the myriad of ways we are working to enhance communication. It’s important to ensure our community – both internal and the local community, know where to go to receive information. Also, it’s important to share the great things that are happening as another way to showcase this great District!
See below:
Superintendent & Board of Trustee Update- pamphlet that I will be disseminating to the schools this week (click here for those who prefer an electronic copy)
News you can Use videos – (short 1-minute videos) for parents or staff on our website – Click here to access these videos!
SSF Administrator Superstars – Congratulations Marco Lopez, Rosemary Wood, Lottie Kuwada, Sheryl Chan, Vick Dye, Dalton Miranda, and Cynthia Rapaido – our SSF Administrator Superstars! Please check out the district website (scroll down to the middle of the page) to read a little bit more about your colleagues! Click here.
SSF Staff Superstars – Congratulations to all the teachers and classified staff who’ve been recognized by their Principal as a great contributor to the school and district community in one way or another (see attachment of staff names via Wordle).
Local Control Accountability Plan meeting information–
School Event Calendars –
District Newsletter – Hot off the Press! Our newsletter will highlight the work in each of the Departments at the District Office. District Newsletter – Download Here
Remind 101 app– We are exploring this app as another possible way to keep our staff and community informed about things happening throughout the District; we aren’t quite ready to unveil this yet but we are excited to learn more about this and see if it’s something we want to roll out in the new year! Remind 101 is an app that allows District to communicate with parents, students, and staff! We can send updates, questions and more to any device- people have to opt in (by clicking a link), and can then receive notifications by text message, on the app, on the web, and by email. It’s a great way to send one-way announcements to entire groups people, or small groups of people and personal phone numbers aren’t ever shared and message history can be accessed at any time!
District Website – Has several District updates and important information –
Have a wonderful, safe, holiday and thank you for all that you do for this District, your students, your families, and for one another!