El Camino High School Students In Action Keep Passion Alive

South San Francisco, CA                                December 9, 2015                    By Shannen Recio, ECHS

This school year, El Camino’s Students In Action has been keeping maintaining our gold service streak by continuing to be passionate about our service!

Some of our achievements this past semester our raising 3003 school supplies for Dream Boxes which is the service project that our previous president, Patricia Manubay launched at the end of her senior year helping provide school supplies for low income students and encourage them to keep being passionate about their education.

Another is raising over one thousand dollars to donate to Juliana’s Journey during September in celebration for Childhood Cancer and also raising more awareness about childhood cancer around our school community by distributing yellow ribbons and making posters with facts and statistics!

We also made a commitment to wear yellow every Friday of the month! This month our current service project is a sock drive called “Socks In The City” under the Jefferson Awards being led by Shannen Recio (me) and Umar Patel in our school! We’ve also taken the challenge to get our community involved by setting up boxes in churches and other schools!

We definitely have many more projects and plans ahead of the year and we’re excited to spread more happiness and awareness to all!


Shannen Recio is a student at El Camino High School and is a member of Students In Action

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