Neighbor Family Needs Housing

South San Francisco, CA      January 29, 2016    Submitted by a local neighbor in need

Hello, I hope this message finds you well. I’m writing to ask for your assistance. Im a single mother of 3 (ages 10, 8 & 5) and am in need of a place to live.

I grew up and have lived in the South San Francisco/Daly City area for most of my life. I’m very active at my children’s school and between 2 jobs I work 40 hrs a week.

My budget isn’t very big ($1300/1400)  so I’ve accepted that I may only be able to afford a room that’s for rent or even a small inlaw unit. The problem is that rooms for rent only want 1 person and the inlaws that are available in the area just don’t contact me back because I have my children.

We are currently living in emergency housing and are running out of time. Even with the extensions that are available we would need to leave by the second week of March. Please don’t get me wrong I’m not looking for a handout, I just need an affordable place to live with my children. I’ve applied for section 8 and am on the wait list for some of the affordable housing units in the area, but that basically is a waiting game at this point.

I’m sure you are wondering where my children’s father is in this situation… All I can say is that the child support system is broken and is in major need of repair. My ex doesn’t pay what he’s been ordered to pay and doesn’t see our children when he should.

I am in desperate need at this point and wanted to see if you could possibly help by putting up a post. Maybe your reach could provide a connection that would otherwise be nonexistent.

If you would be so kind as to not include my name in your post, my jobs place me in very visible public places.

Thank you!

Your neighbor

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Reem Nasrah
Reem Nasrah
9 years ago

Would love to try and help please call me at 415-595-8386