South San Francisco, CA February 15, 2016

SSF Parks & Rec have put warning signs out at various parks as can be seen by the photo sent to us by Chris Willis
PREFACE: South San Francisco, and surrounding areas, are known coyote habitats and in the effort to help keep them wild and not become problematic to residents, we are sharing this information from CA Dept of Fish & Wildlife on co-existing with Coyotes in our midst.
Tom Stienstra, naturalist, author, and Outdoor Writer for the SF Chronicle warned of the conflict of wildlife and humans in his article February 14, 2016 article ‘Study Finds Mountain Lions Are Feasting on house pets and includes information on other wildlife that pose similar concerns, including Coyotes. (Read his article CLICK HERE)
Stienstra continues ‘In the Bay Area, the series of public meetings about coyote and predator awareness) are scheduled at 7 p.m. on Feb. 23 (a Tuesday) and at 10 a.m. on March 5 (a Saturday) in Brisbane. The meetings will be held at Brisbane City Hall, 50 Park Place Brisbane in the Conference Room More info HERE
For more information, go to:
For more information from ESC archives regarding our active Coyote wildlife CLICK HERE

Coyote Alta Mesa Verano & Lomitas in June 2013
Photo: Melissa Ponelis Kohlmeister
From CA Department of Fish & Wildlife
Wild Animals Ruined, Even Killed, by People’s Carelessness
Wild animals are in trouble, and the problem is people who are careless with food and garbage.
Coyotes play an important role in the ecosystem, helping to keep rodent populations under control. They are by nature fearful of humans.
If coyotes are given access to human food and garbage, their behavior changes. They lose caution and fear. They may cause property damage. They might threaten human safety. They might be killed.
Relocating a problem coyote is not an option because it only moves the problem to someone else’s neighborhood.
Help prevent human-coyote conflicts.
“Coyote country” precautions
Never feed or attempt to tame coyotes. The result may be deadly conflicts with pets or livestock, or serious injuries to small children.
Do not leave small children or pets outside unattended.
Install motion-sensitive lighting around the house.
Trim ground-level shrubbery to reduce hiding places.
Be aware that coyotes are more active in the spring, when feeding and protecting their young.
If followed by a coyote, make loud noises. If this fails, throw rocks in the animal’s direction.
If a coyote attacks a person, immediately contact the nearest Department of Fish and Wildlife or law enforcement office.
Stash Your Food and Trash
Allowing coyotes access to human food and garbage is reckless and deadly.

The hidden coyote wandering through a grove of trees near Winston Manor
Photo Cynthia Marcopulos
Coyotes primarily hunt rodents and rabbits for food but will take advantage of whatever is available including garbage, pet food, and domestic animals.
Put garbage in tightly closed containers that cannot be tipped over.

Coyote at Westborough Park
Photo Jessica Adkins
Remove sources of water, especially in dry climates.
Bring pets in at night, and do not leave pet food outside.
Avoid using bird feeders as they attract rodents and other coyote prey.
Provide secure enclosures for rabbits, poultry and other livestock.
Pick up fallen fruit and cover compost piles.
Ask your neighbors to follow these tips.
Please respect and protect wild animals. Keep them wild.

‘This is behind my house at Larch at Sign Hill’
Photo: RamonVelia De La Cruz T
More on how to treat ALL Wildlife in addition to Coyotes
Keep Me Wild
Wild animals don’t need your handouts.
They need your respect.
You may not realize it – a simple bag of garbage, bowl of pet food, or plate of leftovers left outside your home or vacation site, can cause severe harm to wildlife.
Whether you live in a city or a rural part of California, wild animals are your neighbors. Most wild animals will not bother you. They naturally fear humans and keep their distance – so long as they remain fully wild.
But if wild animals have access to human food and garbage, they want more and more. They lose their natural fear of humans and can become aggressive.
If bears and other wild animals damage property or threaten human safety, they might be killed. Allowing wild animals access to human food is dead wrong.
Please – stash your food and trash.
Keep them wild.
UPDATE from the City of Brisbane
Coyote Workshop #1 with the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife
Printer-friendly version
Tuesday, February 23, 2016 – 7:00pm
Please join us in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall on Tuesday, February 23rd at 7pm to hear from officials from the Department of Fish & Wildlife as well as a San Mateo County Game Warden and possibly a wildlife biologist. They will share their perspectives and answer any questions from the public on ways to keep coyotes at bay. This first workshop will be televised and archived on the City’s website.
A second workshop for those unable to make an evening weekday meeting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, March 5th at 10am. We look forward to the discussion and working towards a solution to keep the coyotes, our pets, and our families safe!
– See more at:
Coyotes are roaming HolyCross Cemetery! The Feral Cat people feed the cats & the cats mean food (them) or their food to the coyotes. The PHS Wildlife REFUSES to do anything about it. I’m all for let wild be wild but when I can’t even take my dog out for a walk on her leash b/c of marauding coyotes?? Its time to make some laws against feeding feral animals, cats, raccoons, skunks possums & coyotes & mountain lions.
Also if the PHS won’t do anything time to quit funding their wildlife b/c there has been sick coyotes they refused to come and get at HC before. REFUSED!
Recently a hill of trees/bushes were removed across the street from my house. Location: End of Eucalyptus and Park Way, SSF. Since this hill was cleared of trees/bushes a family of coyotes have been roaming the street. I have been told they are now making a home at our local school (Parkway Jr. High School – outdoor field). I have notified the City of SSF because the family of coyotes lived on the hill and now they are on our street.