South San Francisco, CA April 3, 2016 by Steve Carey, South San Francisco Community Leader

The Parcel Map shows the lots currently owned by Developers; 012 351 020, 012 351 030, 012 351 050
What can we do to help South San Francisco move into the future in a way that preserves an important part of who we were in the past?
Can we all take just one moment to consider that the future can be well planned, organized, and most of all welcoming to our descendants? Or … shall we leave this to chance? Like so many things in life, it is simply a choice.
We must all agree that the open spaces in our city are at the heart of what makes life here better. Few places in the world allow residents to be only 20 minutes from a global financial center while at the same time providing open air green spaces, trees, flowers, parks, and recreational areas. It is a balance well worth maintaining. I salute our city for making these values a high priority.
For the entirety of my life, we have come to think of San Bruno Mountain, and Sign Hill as public domain; places to be enjoyed by all. However, this is not entirely true. Many acres in these places are privately owned, and because of this, direction into the future will be subject to not simply public opinion.
I believe this is a challenge for us all, but a challenge that can be resolved. The answer lies in focus and cooperation. If we all express the concern and desire this issue deserves, we can find solutions. I am confident the solutions may not be 100% agreeable to one side or the other, but entirely more preferable to complete disregard.
Can we make this the year that we all invest some energy to work for solutions? If we do, we can bring recreational facilities, open park areas, and open spaces to Sign Hill and San Bruno Mountain. We can only do this if we respect the property rights of owners. In the end we may all find harmony, and our future may be filled with residents who feel great happiness that natural beauty was so wisely preserved.
But again … This is a choice. We can choose to walk towards the problem. We can choose to walk away from the problem. I have great faith in this wonderful city of industrious achievers. I believe we can do everything better in South City. Can we begin to craft a better tomorrow in our city by helping to protect our most prescious landmark, Sign Hill? I believe we can.
Thank you for letting me make a speech. My wife, Debbie tells me that I do this too often. However, in this case, I am hoping to inspire you to do the same. Let’s get this important convesation started.

The front side facing South has been bought and preserved by the City of South San Francisco. The northern & eastern facing slopes are owned by private parties with development potential