SSF Pedestrian Safety: Information Exchange Between Resident Mike Harris & City

South San Francisco, Ca    March 12, 2017     Submitted by Mike Harris   

EDITORS NOTE: South San Francisco resident Mike Harris has asked that this email exchange be published as he has been working towards solutions on a number of safety issues in our City. Please note the opinions expressed are not reflective of Everything South City, rather we believe all voices deserve a place at the table which is why ESC was created. 

From: MICHAEL HARRIS [mailto:[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>]
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 10:05 AM
To: Greenwood, Alex
Cc: Futrell, Mike; Kohlmann, Gerald; Cindy Alger; Richardson, Bob; Everything South City; Gil, Danny; Kallas, Jon; Mark Nagales; Michael Richardson; David Canepa; Mouasher, Diana; Ben Cohn; Kevin Mullin; Sam Langi; Towne, Ray; Austin Walsh; Brendan Bartholomew
Subject: Request update SSF pedestrian safety

Dear Alex,

Please advise what progress you have made wrt pedestrian safety since I spoke at the Planning Commission meeting late 2016 after Mark Nagales’ Dad was hit.

The Sequoia & Old Mission Road intersection is just as dangerous.
I was almost hit in the middle of the street Dec 2013.
See my email to Mark Addiego on this incident.
The flashing light triggered by walkers only sometimes works.
One must hit the button several times very often, on both sides of the street.
That intersection needs a flashing red light, with mandatory stop when the light activates.

The defective LED designed lighting has not improved.
One LED light is 38 watt. The other is 54 watt.
These should be upgraded to 91 wide beam, type 4 lights.

At the ECHS intersection, the lights are all 91 watt or higher.

The Costco / El Camino intersection right turn hazard still exists.
A car cut me off as I stepped into the crosswalk last week again.

He was hard on the throttle, with 2 passengers in the car.

The BART crosswalk at the Alta Loma stairs walk signal has been obstructed since the station opened June 20, 2003.
That should be easily repaired.

David Canepa drove me around Feb 3 to peruse the areas in District 5 and some in District 1 that need Samtrans improvement.

I made no progress at all with Karyl Matsumoto or John Baker since Oct 4, 2016.
When David Canepa got involved, Samtrans starting moving within 2 days.

There was no point going to Comrade Stupid-visor Dave Pine.
Dave Pine has a democratic / socialist agenda not conducive to SSF (my) public safety.
I consider him an obstructionist when it comes to public safety.
I am just waiting for Dave Pine to advocate solar powered hybrid buses in the North County Fog Belt.

I had hoped the Traffic Advisory Committee would act.
It should have residents on the TAC.
Sam Langi would be a good choice.

One of these days a pedestrian will get hit. The trial lawyer will subpoena my emails.
I believe the legal term is culpable negligence.

I have read there are 80 pedestrian accidents in SSF / year vs 800 in SF.

Every time the trucks or patrol cruisers roll, there is a city expense.
A little more proactive and less reactive would help reduce these expenses.



From: “Greenwood, Alex” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
To: “Harris, Mike” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Cc: “Futrell, Mike” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Kohlmann, Gerald” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Cindy Alger <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Richardson, Bob” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Everything South City <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Gil, Danny” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Kallas, Jon” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Mark Nagales <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Michael Richardson <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; David Canepa <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Mouasher, Diana” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Ben Cohn <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Kevin Mullin <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Sam Langi <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Towne, Ray” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Austin Walsh <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; Brendan Bartholomew <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>; “Kim, Eunejune” <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 3:36 PM
Subject: RE: Request update SSF pedestrian safety

Dear Mike,

Thanks very much – I appreciate your note, and your diligence in shining a light on the critical issue of pedestrian safety.

On the issues that you raise in your email, our Public Works Department is taking the lead, and they will be providing an update to you as progress is made. Other City departments (including my staff and me) are playing a support role.

Thanks again, and feel free to contact me anytime if you have other questions or issues you’d like to discuss.



From: “Kim, Eunejune” <[email protected]>
To: “Harris, Mike” <[email protected]>
Cc: “Bockhaus, Dave” <[email protected]>; “Towne, Ray” <[email protected]>; “Greenwood, Alex” <[email protected]>; “Garren, Marissa” <[email protected]>
Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 5:13 PM
Subject: RE: Request update SSF pedestrian safety (Thank you)

Hello Mr. Harris,

I have received your email regarding pedestrian safety and would like to address the items related to Public works.

1. Functionality of pedestrian crossing buttons at Sequoia and Mission: Public works staff have checked the functionality. The pedestrian push buttons are currently working properly and consistently.

2. LED lighting at Sequoia and Mission: The lighting is adequate for the operation and safety of this intersection.

3. Costco driveway entrance to El Camino Real: The intersection layout is a standard design. Drivers are required to yield to pedestrians within the crosswalk when they are provided the walk signal. If they do not, they are subject to being cited by Police.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Thank you.

[City Logo – Transparent Background MED]Eunejune Kim | Director of Public Works/City Engineer
City of South San Francisco | Department of Public Works
550 North Canal Street | South San Francisco, CA 94080
• Main (650) 877-8550 | 7 (650) 877-8665 | • [email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>
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From: MICHAEL HARRIS [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2017 7:30 PM
To: Greenwood, Alex
Cc: Futrell, Mike; Kohlmann, Gerald; Cindy Alger; Richardson, Bob; Everything South City; Gil, Danny; Kallas, Jon; Mark Nagales; Michael Richardson; David Canepa; Mouasher, Diana; Ben Cohn; Kevin Mullin; Sam Langi; Towne, Ray; Austin Walsh; Brendan Bartholomew; Kim, Eunejune
Subject: Re: Request update SSF pedestrian safety (Thank you)

Thank you Alex,

Other issues are low flow toilets & water conservation.
If Oro dam fails, we are in for major water rationing.

Can all of you please keep Kamala in the loop.
That a ways, when improvements are made, whole city sees improvements, not just me.



Mar 10 (2 days ago)

To:  Eunejune, Dave, Ray, Alex, Marissa, Mike, Karen, Kevin, Ben, sheri.boles, me, Gerald, Sam, Austin, Brendan, David, Michael, Bill, Pradeep, Lizmody, Micah, Cindy, Mina, Mark, Tom
Dear Eunejune,

1. The crossing buttons must be depressed & held a few seconds.
Sometimes they must be depressed several times.
I used them today & held the button down until the yellow lights activated.
Again a car violated my rights while I was already in the crosswalk.

I dealt with intermittent electrical / electronic problems my whole seagoing career.

2. BULLSHIT. I am 71 years old. I have five vision problems.
I was almost hit mid December when the LED streetlights were first installed.
The driver did not see me. He slammed on his brakes when I was mid intersection.
I stopped, knowing he did not see me. I was wearing khaki jacket / pants.
I sent this email to Mark Addiego that evening. I am sure City Clerk has a copy.

There is a problem with not having lived enough years to know anything about anything.
You have that problem. We just got rid of a City Engineer who made the bad LED streetlight decision.
We nicknamed Brian McMinn > Brian McMoron.

You have lately installed 4000K – 5000K lights in the MSB bathrooms. They are blinding.
You did not learn anything from the LED streetlight fiasco?

I suggest you talk to Pradeep Gupta. Pradeep is smarter than the rest of CC combined.
I had hoped with Pradeep became Mayor, we would see engineering improvements.
I am very disappointed. I am not running for CC in 2020.

You might also refer to R. L. Gregory’s very old book: Eye and Brain.
I used the book for a Cal State Hayward class in Oct 1971. I still have the copy.
I also have an old Scientific American article on the same subject.
High color temperature light is very harmful to vision.
Most migraine sufferers are women. Bright light makes this worse.
Costco just installed high color temperature LED overhead lights in the El Camino store.
It is just miserable shopping there. Do not install 4000K LED lights in the MSB.
If you look at the faces of CC during meetings, the shadowing is terrible.
The fix is not that hard. Peggy Derias retired from a lighting business career.

The orange Cocoon glasses you see me wearing protect my eyes from blue light.
They block 99% of blue light. I have cataracts starting. That is like a little bit pregnant.

3. This is a Caltrans problem. Kevin’s office contacted Caltrans about improvements.
Caltrans answer was: It is not feasible to make this a right turn on green arrow only.
I have not given up on this intersection. After children are hit, will be too late.
There are 80 pedestrian accidents / year in SSF. SF has 800.
I talked to Joe Farrow about this problem in Feb 2016 in a telephone town hall meeting.

4. People are required to be polite and considerate to other people, or ‘they are subject to being cited by the Police’.
That should be self explanatory. We live in a Dystopian Suck-ciety. Hooray for me. Hell with everyone else is SOP.

We have a saying in MEBA:

Arguing with an Engineer is like Mud Wrestling with a Pig.
After awhile, you discover the Pig Likes It.

There was a Navy expression:
Lead, Follow, or get Hell out of the way.

Rationalization and Denial and CYA are the watchwords (SOP) with SSF /USG employees.
Rationalization and Denial killed my Mom Dec 11, 2008. I live that nightmare daily.

Young man, I have taken 2 cases to the D.C. Circuit. I have taken one SCOTUS.
I have fought these battles for justice (for little people) since 1985.

The ADA complaint I filed with Mayor Mark Addiego will be filed with Legal Aid.
CC ignored my complaint. Brian retaliated against me by removing the sample light that Terry White had installed in front of my parents home. It had a very broad beam pattern. Residents call your lights: spot lights.

I call: MBA, MHA, MPA degrees > Mediocre Business Administration type degrees.

It should not have taken 13+ years to clear the Alta Loma stairs or 6+ to clear the Greenridge Stairs either.
We are now trying to clear Colma Creek & get the decrepit wooden bridge removed.
Next will be the SMC Courthouse Ditch that is dangerous. The SMC Courthouse trees extending over the sidewalk & street need trimming. They are also a hazard to life and property.

I had the Buri Buri cracked limb removed the Day of the Megastorm.
It would have gone down & damaged someone or something.
SSF FD Code Enforcement has the photos.

Lastly, let me quote Louis Langi:
Just use your common sense.
I fear we buried common sense with Louie June 2016.
We surely do miss Louie and his humor.

The problem thinking you are smarter than anyone / everyone else is that one day you must prove it.

Kamala: You can print this exchange. I cannot believe we went down the same road with another CYA City Engineer.
We are making progress with Captain Mike Futrell at the helm. Our last city manager was a disaster.

Mike Harris
Radio Officer USMM

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