‘Every 15 Minutes’ Anti-Drunk Driving Program to be Held ECHS April 5th & 6th

South San Francisco, CA   April 5, 2017  Submitted by SSFPD 

On April, 5th 2017 and April 6th 2017, El Camino High School in collaboration with the California Office of Transportation Safety, the California Highway Patrol, the South San Francisco Fire Department and the South San Francisco Police Department will be putting on an event called “Every 15 Minutes” for students at El Camino High School. ” Every 15 Minutes” is a two-day program that challenges high school juniors and seniors to think about the consequences of drinking and driving.


The first day consists of a simulated traffic collision on the school campus that involves eight of their fellow students. There will be a high concentration of emergency vehicles in the area of El Camino High School for this event.  The Fire Department will simulate the extrication of one of the passengers and the Police Department will conduct a traffic collision/drunk driving investigation. One of the students will portray a person who was killed as a result of the collision and one student will portray a driver being arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. The South San Francisco Fire Department and South San Francisco Police Department will both respond to the reenactment and treat the collision as if it were a real life situation.


The second day consists of an assembly for the junior and senior classes. At the assembly, a guest speaker will share her story of how a drunk driver seriously impacted her life. The 2017 El Camino High School “Every 15 Minutes” film will be shown to the assembly attendees.


The program is designed to educate the students about drinking and driving and to show the potentially life changing consequences of those decisions.


All media inquiries of this event should be forwarded to Corporal Jason Pfarr at the South San Francisco Police Department 650-829-3931 or jaso[email protected].

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[…] challenge high school juniors and seniors to think about the consequences of drinking and driving. {MORE HERE}  This program is a collaboration with the California Office of Transportation Safety, the […]