The Positive High System; A Health & Fitness Program by Coach Serge

South San Francisco, CA    April 22, 2017  by Coach Serge, Founder Positive High System


What is the Positive High System?

The Positive High System, or PHS, is an integrated foundations based system created to help individuals achieve and maintain a healthy and fit lifestyle, all the while feeling a sense of a Positive High. I firmly believe that we must all feel a Positive High on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter what you chose to do or who you choose to feel your Positive High with. What matters most is you’re having fun, enjoying yourself.

5 Components: Mindset, Knowledge, Nutrition, Physical Activity, Recovery


Mission: To help individuals build a stronger sense of physical and mental self-confidence. With this confidence they are able to feel their unique Positive High and accomplish any desired goals in life.




Almost every action starts with a conscious and unconscious decision. It all ends and begins with your mind. I truly believe that Mindset is the foundation of everything that happens in our life. Many things shape our current state; past & current experiences, our interpersonal relationships, the beautiful thing about this is in time, we can shift our Mindset any which way we want. Change towards a healthier and more fit lifestyle can be a difficult one. There may be current & past obstacles that may try hinder your progress. Working on building a strong foundation. Our Mindset & Habits can conquer any, if not, ALL, of your obstacles along your journey. Work on these two daily and you will surely be feeling your own special Positive High and on the path towards a healthier and more fit YOU.


The second pillar or component to the Positive High System is Knowledge. You need a map to get to your destination and the best way to do this is to learn from others, then apply what you’ve learned. You need information . The first way is to find someone who already has the knowledge and skill set, and ask for their help. (p.s. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me!) Another great way to increase your knowledge-base is through books. Below is a link with recommendations on books that I believe will help you live a life full of Positive High.


The third pillar or component to the Positive High System is Nutrition. When it comes to my dietary philosophy I use a Habit & Practice based approach; the same used

within the Precision Nutrition system. I truly believe that you must do what works for you, start where you are and to never force anything. By practicing, building your skills and simply finding joy in how you eat and what you eat you will find life a lot more enjoyable. Now I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but what I will say is with a little experimenting and finding out what works for YOU, a whole new world and a brand new relationship with food will open.

If you want more info on how you can make positive and long-lasting changes through the Positive High Nutrition Online Coaching Program powered by ProCoach check out the the video below.


Physical Activity

The fourth pillar or component to the Positive High System is Physical Activity. With Physical Activity I’ve found that there are essentially three different categories.

The 1st being “Focused Effort Activity (FEA)”. These are what one would call “Training Sessions”, “Practice Sessions”, etc. With FEAs you have to plan a program, build skills and practice to achieve certain goal(s). During these sessions the world may seem shut off and you are just in the moment. For example, say you want to master a kettlebell snatch or run a marathon, you need to take time out of your day to focus your energy and effort to build your skills and improve.

The 2nd category is “Flow Activity (FA)”. These are activities that you find yourself being “in thezone”, you do them just for fun. Also like FEAs the world is shut off and you are just in the moment. Going surfing, taking an afternoon jog around the park, or playing some pick-up basketball are prime examples of Flow Activities.

The 3rd and final category which in exercise science terms, Non-Exercise Thermogenesis (NEAT) or as Dr. Perry Nickelston of Stop Chasing Pain calls “Inconvenient Movement”. These activities make life a little inconvenient. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator, marching in place while you stand in line at the store, and parking at the far end of the parking lot are all Inconvenient Movements.

If you take all three types of movement & activities and incorporate them into your life you will most definitely be on your way to feeling your Positive High every single day!




The final pillar or component to the Positive High System is Recovery. We live in a world of “More is Better” and often times we overwork ourselves both mentally & physically in almost every aspect of our lives. Taking time to recover from our life’s stresses is key to feeling and living our Positive High. Sleep, downtime, relaxation is needed. Once we have found time to recover we are able to get back to giving not only ourselves, but also our friends & family 100% I would love to know a little bit about “How & Where you Recover” Do you like to do yoga, take cat-naps, get massages, or spend the day at the beach? Where is your favorite place to recover?



Thank you so much for reading! If you have any questions or need help with your Health & Fitness efforts don’t hesitate to contact me (CLICK HERE).


Much Respect,

Coach Serge



About Coach Serge

Sergio Jaimes-Vigaray, a.k.a. Coach Serge

Originally from Maui, HI and a graduate of Lahainaluna High School and the University of Hawaii at Manoa; BA-Communications. Serge moved to South San Francisco in 2014. He has been a certified Health & Fitness Professional since 2013.

Through Unconventional Training Methods along with Habit-Nutrition Strategies. Coach Serge helps individuals build a stronger sense of physical and mental self-confidence. With this confidence individuals are able to feel their unique Positive High and accomplish any desired goals in life.
Certifications & Qualifications
National Academy of Sports Medicine: Certified Personal Trainer
National Academy of Sports Medicine: Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Precision Nutrition Coach Level 1
Original Strength Coach Level 1&2
Dynamic Variable Resistance Training Level 1&2
Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified
TRX Suspension Trainer Qualified Level 1
dotFIT Certified Fitness Professional

Social Media
Instagram: @positivehisystem

Contact Info
email: [email protected]
cell: 808-205-7400
Training exclusively at Fitness Therapy; 69 Washington St, Daly City, CA 94014

Coach Serge with a few members of his ‘High Tribe Members’


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