Successful Dog Walker Watcher Program Offers New Training Date Wednesday August 16th

South San Francisco, CA    August 2, 2017  Submitted by SSFPD 

Due to the enthusiastic welcoming of the new Dog Walker Watcher Program, South San Francisco Police Corporal Jason Pfarr is excited to announce yet another training session for those interested dog owners in our City.   “The training sessions continue to be a great success” Pfarr said “We have received some great feedback so we want to offer another opportunity for residents to become involved. We are offering this upcoming session on Wednesday evenings to allowing more neighbors access to this program.”

If you regularly are out walking your dogs, or enjoy daily walks in our community, you are invited to participate in this crime awareness program. This program is designed to get people throughout our community to assist the Police Department as the extra eyes and ears of our city.

The Dog Walker Watch Program will focus on observing and reporting suspicious activity while walking your pets around your neighborhood, guides for you and your pets’ personal safety, and the importance of constant communication between the community and the Police Department to help deter crime.

The training session lasts about 45 minutes at which time dog owners/walkers learn how to focus on observing and reporting suspicious activity while walking their pets around neighborhoods in our City. This program is designed to get people throughout our community to assist the Police Department as the extra eyes and ears of our city.

The upcoming training session will be held at the South San Francisco Police Department – Training Room on Wednesday August 16th starting at 6:30 pm. This training is for humans only, so you can leave your furry friends at home. For more information, contact Corporal Pfarr at (650) 829 – 3931 or via e-mail at [email protected].

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