SSFUSD Community Message

South San Francisco, CA   October 12, 2017 Submitted by Ryan Sebers, SSFUSD PIO/Student Service Director

“Dear SSFUSD Community:


According to the most current Bay Area Air Quality Management District’s air alert, the wildfires in the North Bay are causing unpredictable air quality levels around the county and will continue to do so for the next few days. While we are following the Air Quality Forecast, we will also be actively monitoring conditions in South San Francisco and all local areas of our schools.


The health and welfare of our students and staff is paramount. Although schools in SSFUSD will be in session today, we are directing our school sites to avoid prolonged periods of outdoor exposure. This includes modifying daily activity that would otherwise be conducted outdoors, such as moving physical education classes, lunch activities, recess, outdoor rallies, sporting events, etc., to indoor facilities, or in some cases, cancellation of activities.


Today’s forecast is designated as “unhealthy.” This means that our community should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion, and should avoid prolonged outdoor exposure.


Parents/guardians of students with respiratory conditions, such as asthma, may choose to pick up students early from school or keep their students at home. We encourage any students with health issues which are exacerbated by the present condition, and those who experience any difficulties as a result of the air quality, to immediately notify school staff.


As we will be actively monitoring conditions in South San Francisco and all local areas of our schools, we will provide further updates as conditions may change throughout the day.”

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