Downtown Zoning Changes Explored at Drop-In Open House Event Wed Dec 6th

South San Francisco, CA   November 29, 2017  Submitted by SSF Chamber of Commerce


The City of South San Francisco is considering “Zoning Changes” in the Downtown Transit Core (DTC) District.

They would like to hear from residents, merchants and property owners – Wednesday, December 6th from 5:30pm until 7:30pm at the City Hall Annex located at 315 Maple Avenue. For more information please contact the  Planning Division at 650/877.8535 or email [email protected]


Everything South City followed up with the Planning Division and we appreciate the response made by Alex Greenwood, Director of Economic & Community Development as written below. We have requested additional points to be clarified and will update when received:

In brief, the City is studying a proposed adjustment to the Downtown Core (DTC) Zoning that would create an incentive for more of the units that are built in Downtown SSF to be located closer to the Caltrain Station. Please note: There would be not be any increase in the overall number of housing units approved for Downtown SSF; there would not be any increase in height limits; and there would not be any increase to the base zoning in the DTC Zone. Instead, this proposal would increase the potential density bonus for housing projects located within 2-3 blocks of the Caltrain Station if they provide community benefits.


The Dec. 6th open house will be an opportunity for city staff to share preliminary analysis regarding this endeavor and gain feedback from the community at-large. This amendment will likely go to the Planning Commission for consideration in late January 2018, and we will have more insight/documentation to share at that point.


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