South San Francisco, CA August 14, 2018 from City Sources
You’re Invited to a #Community Meeting
The City of South San Francisco – Government needs #YOUR #input on the #SouthLindenAvenue and #ScottStreet #GradeSeparation Planning Study! Please join us for a #CommunityMeeting on #Thursday, #August16, 6:30 p.m., at the South San Francisco Conference Center, 255 South Airport Blvd. for the first of four meetings to learn about this study.
Purpose of Project
To develop and evaluate options for grade separations at the South Linden Avenue / #RailroadCrossing in #SouthSanFrancisco and Scott Street / Railroad Crossing in #SanBruno. While the two crossings are located in two jurisdictions, they will be evaluated together in one study because they are located about 1,850-feet apart.
Meeting Format
It will be interactive to gather your input on concepts for design, #TrafficSafety, and aesthetic concerns as well as #bicycle and #pedestrian issues.
For More Information
650.829.6652 / [email protected]
[email protected]
The previous meeting was canceled without community notice due to an electrical blackout.
I suppose we should be thankful for last minute notice. NOT !