Citizens’ Police Academy Starting March 28, 2019 – Register Today!

South San Francisco, CA   March 5, 2019

The South San Francisco Police department has announced the upcoming Citizen’s Police Academy will start on March 28, 2019. The 12 week academy will meet on Thursday evenings for 2 1/2 hours starting at 6:30pm. The program is FREE to qualified folks who live or work in South City with a limit of 25 people per class. You must be 18 or older and not have any felony convictions.  This is a great opportunity to learn first hand different aspects of police work including SWAT Team and K-9 Team demonstrations!

South City resident Debbie Lallas had this to say, “I took it a few years ago. Fantastic experience. We learned a lot about how much the police do for our community. And it was fun to see what goes on behind the scenes. We got to drive a police car, shoot in the shooting range, meet the police dogs, go on a tour of the Redwood City Jail and go on a ride-along. My ride-along turned out to be quite exciting. We ended up in a high speed chase of someone with a stolen car and a gun! (Don’t worry-that’s definitely not the usual ride-along experience. Lol)”

To gain another South City neighbor’s experience CLICK HERE

Another South City resident Karen Johanson agreed, “I’d highly recommend this class! It was a great experience.” she explained. ” I did this with a group of coworkers a few years ago. I learned a lot of really useful information – a great identity theft session – and really came out with an even greater appreciation of the job our police officers do. ”

Contact Corporal Matthew O’Connor by March 14th to register.

Contact Matthew.O’[email protected] or 650.829.3931


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