South San Francisco, CA February 29, 2020 Submitted by SSF Scavenger Co.
Fixit Clinic is staffed by volunteer Fixit Coaches and is not a hands-off free repair service. Fixit Clinic is a troubleshooting and discovery workshop: you are expected to actively participate in the disassembly, troubleshooting, and repair of your item so that you leave fully empowered to share your new-found confidence and insight with your friends, neighbors, and the community at large.
REPAIR is not assured: while we do have an excellent track record any specific item can have issues that make it unrepairable or we can exacerbate the problem during our attempts to repair it.
To participate in a Fixit Clinic:
– Bring the broken item with all parts necessary to recreate the symptoms (carry-in only: no oversize items)
– Bring any parts and tools you already own that might be helpful (e.g. hand tools, sewing notions)
– Come ready to clearly describe what’s wrong and what you’ve tried (Tip: advance web research about your item is especially helpful)
– Come eager to learn and to share your skills and knowledge with others
Thanks, and we’re looking forward to seeing your smiling face at Fixit Clinic!

The FIXIT Clinic is a wonderful way to REUSE your items by restoring their use!
Use this form to register for a scheduled Fixit Clinic –> (Check-in Form)
The registration form asks:
-Which Fixit Clinic are you attending?
-What are you bringing?
-Make / Manufacturer
-When was it manufactured?
-What’s wrong with it?
-What have you tried to fix it?
-What does the item weigh?
After participating in a Fixit Clinic please fill out this post-participation exit form –>
The exit form asks:
Fixit Clinic you attended
What did you bring?
Make and model
What ended up being wrong with it?
Did your item get fixed?
What’s the level of parts/components/manufacturer support available for the repair?
What hint(s) and advice would you give to someone trying to fix a similar item?
No upcoming Fixit Clinic (or other community repair event) near you? We’d like to know about your item anyway: log it here –>
Fixit Clinic Locations
Upcoming northern California / San Francisco Bay Area Fixit Clinics are typically posted to Facebook:
Links to Fixit Clinics beyond Northern California (this list is ever changing: please let us know of updates at [email protected]):