South San Francisco, CA April 10, 2020
This pandemic, resulting in shelter-in-place mandate, is taking a huge toll on our most vulnerable neighbors; our seniors and families out of work.
We are seeking donations from those who can help, and we are seeking those who need help, yet are unsure where to turn.

Photo by Roland Kay-Smith on Unsplash
They live alone, behind closed doors, vulnerable, and without food or resources, some go to bed hungry, too many unsure where their next meal will come from. Many come from a generation who learned to tough it out and not ask for help, others are unaware of resources that are in place to help. Those are the people we need to reach.
A good many of our local seniors have remained active in the workforce yet the pandemic has forced them to shelter-in-place, with no income. Quite a few have health issues that prevent them from shopping, even during the senior hours, and a large number are without transportation to even go to a market.
And many of our local seniors are living alone, and the days seem longer without activities they might have enjoyed before the pandemic, including making their own meals, which is a way of self nurturing, yet now they find themselves with little to no food.
In addition, we have more and more families going without food, as the heads of households are no longer employed, and have little, to no, income. Prior to this pandemic many in our community rely on Second Harvest and other programs to help them feed their families through out the month. The pandemic has made life so much harder, we hear of parents, and children, going without basic needs.
Chajinel Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has partnered with Everything South City, Rocko’s Produce, South City Grocery Outlet, and the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce to help our most vulnerable. Daniela Jonguitud, owner of Chajinel Home Care Services, has been involved with helping our seniors even before COVID-19 forced us all to shelter-in-place, and has doubled her efforts as she sees more and more need. “As a business owner of an essential duty and serving the most affected citizens, our seniors, I have been able to witness the amount of people desperate for a job out there, since they cannot cover their basic needs, such as food and shelter.” Daniela said “In addition, there are complete families laid off, yet they are still trying to put food on their table, while waiting for their jobs to be reopened, or a new employment opportunity.”
Last month Chajinel Home Care Services and Rocko’s Produce made the agreement to gift a $50 box of food, per week, to hungry seniors and/or families. “The response has been bigger than we anticipated” Daniela explains “and it breaks our heart to turn down support to people who are in real need. Parents, kids, seniors, all trying to find a way to ensure food for their homes.”
“Within the first 5 days of launch, we have received around 5-7 calls at day for the box of groceries, and we are trying to improve the amount of people we can help at day.” Daniela said as the goal has now increased to provide 5 boxes of food, per day, five days a week. “That is why we are wanting to work close with our community members and businesses, we need their support.” With the partnership extended to South City Grocery Outlet, those in need will also be able to receive additional items not available from Rocko’s. Everything South City and the South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce, we are reaching out to those who may be able to help this effort.
The world has changed dramatically in a very short time, leaving many of us feeling out of sync, unsure what the future holds, and when will we get back to normal, and exactly what will be ‘normal’ in our new world. Yet one constant will be, getting food to those who have none, or not enough. No one in our fine City of South San Francisco should ever go to bed hungry, we are still South City Strong at our core. “We are stronger together” is Daniela’s mantra as she recognizes the special care needed to work with seniors who are sheltered in place in these uncertain times. Those neighbors who are use to going out, working, and doing for themselves are now feeling the vulnerability. And those seniors who live alone with some medical issues, are having a very difficult time with the changes in schedules, and the lack of food.
“If you find it in your heart and possibilities to change the way a family goes to bed tonight, we encourage you to cooperate with our efforts.” Daniela pleads “Any help is welcome, any amount is big, every dollar counts.” As a 501(c)(3) your donations to Chajinel Foundation maybe tax deductible.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash
Early on in the shelter-in-place mandate, Chajinel Home Care Services, shifted gears to help in a new way. “Chajinel then started donating essential cleaning supplies to our senior community in need.” Daniela said “We found many who are not able to go out and buy their own supplies, especially because most of those items are sold out.”
Chajinel Home Care Services is not a stranger to going above and beyond for our seniors, they have opened their office doors to seniors to stop by, have a cup of tea, play a board game, visit with others, find a sense of community together. They also have offered weekly classes on a number of topics ranging from Understanding Medicare to Understanding CBD and so many subjects in-between. They recently added a monthly event offering free hair cuts to our seniors – but the pandemic and shelter in place has put a temporary stop on these activities which Daniela looks forward to resuming once it is safe for everyone to return to ‘life’.
If you know of a senior or a family in need, please contact Daniela and her team at Chajinel Home Care Services, so they can coordinate help for them. All information will remain confidential.
And please, if you can make a donation to help those in need, it is so gratefully accepted, and it will make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors.
Please direct questions to Daniela Jonguitud and her team at Chajinel Home Care Services
Phone: (650) 741-6107
To donate: CLICK HERE
Checks may be made out to CHAJINEL FOUNDATION and mailed to:
Chajinel Home Care Services
208 Cypress Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94080
Chajinel translates to ‘Care of the soul‘, which is what Chajinel Home Care Services brings to their clients, enabling more seniors to remain independent in their own homes. For more information on their services CLICK HERE
South City Grocery Outlet, located at 125 Hickey Blvd in the Hickey Shopping Center, offers amazing deals allowing shoppers to make their dollars go so much further. {See their ads HERE}. Owned by South City neighbors, Michelle and David Radcliffe, who truly recognize the difficulty this pandemic shelter-in-place is causing, and have temporarily adjusted their hours as follows below:

It’s a family thing at South City Grocery Outlet!
Beginning Monday April 13th South City Grocery Outlet
Temporary Store Hours Are:
8:30am – 8:00pm Daily
Senior, At Risk, & First Responders Early Entrance:
8:00am Monday/Wednesday/Friday
Please note, Rocko’s Produce, located at 125 Terminal Court – at the Produce Terminal – is open to the public 6 days a week from 6am-2pm (M-Sat). They have also offered their services to deliver orders to those who must isolate and shelter in place. They accept cash, debit/ credit cards.
Our South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce is located at 213 Linden Avenue offers membership to businesses and individuals and offer amazing resources to the public in general. They currently have the front page of their website dedicated sharing COVID-19 resources, including a list of local eateries that are still serving the public with take out and deliver options. For more information on the benefits and costs, please CLICK HERE. They can be reached at (650)588-1911