Light Sign Hill Tree BLUE in Support of our Front Line Workers!

South San Francisco, CA   April 29, 2020

Everything South City continues to receive messages from community members requesting our Sign Hill tree to be lit in blue in support of our front line workers, some citing that other Cities are doing this as well. We did notice City Hall had been surrounded in blue lights earlier this month and the US Flag is flying high on Sign Hill. Now with the ‘Stay at Home’ mandate extended through the month of May, locals are again asking the tree might be lighted up.

Neighbors would like to see Sign Hill tree lit in blue as City Hall


We have reached out to Mayor Garbarino on two occasions yet have not had a response to this request, which we stated had been made by many neighbors. Today we received a few other messages which have prompted us to ask our neighbors –

Should the City light up Sign Hill tree in Blue in support of our front line workers during this Shelter-in-Place?


‘South City should light the Xmas tree . To support the men and women that are dealing and trying their best to get us living. It’s easy to say no way. But, they don’t. Let’s show a little respect and light that tree for the drs’ and nurses. While we’re stuck locked in our houses, they going to fight this shi*t. Show support!’


‘I see other places with blue lights during this quarantine, do you know when they will light up the Christmas tree on the hill? We need it!’


‘As the birthplace of biotech, and with all our companies helping to find treatment and a vaccine for this coronavirus, it would be wonderful if the City had the lights lit on the Christmas tree. Now more than ever we need to feel unified and it would reflect the work being done by essential workers and our scientists.”

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Renee E Smith
Renee E Smith
4 years ago

Light it up ???