SMC Health Foundation Care Bags for Community: Support for Health Providers and Patients

South San Francisco, CA   May 2, 2020 by San Mateo County Health Foundation


Let’s come together as a community and assist two of the Foundation’s programs that provide aid to our healthcare heroes and those in poverty in San Mateo County.

Your kind donations will go toward putting together care bags of needed supplies for two efforts: Bundle of Joy and Hospital Week.


If you want to support a specific program, you can add a comment to your donation to say which one.

1. Bundle of Joy:

For several years, the Foundation has done a three phase program to support expectant mothers in poverty in San Mateo County. The first two phases of the program signs up mothers for prenatal visits at local clinics and counseling on best childcare practices . Your donation would help fund the supplies the Foundation provides for Phase Three. Each expectant mother is given a bag of critical babycare supplies such as diapers, onesies, socks, blankets, and more.

You could for example donate $10 and that would already buy a onesie to put in a care bag.

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2. Hospital Week:

We want to commemorate the hardwork of 1,800 staff members at the San Mateo Medical Center. The Foundation wishes to put together care bags with reusable water bottles, snacks, and other supplies they can use. YOU can help give a boost to these healthcare heroes who are selflessly working around the clock to protect the well being and health of our wonderful community by contributing to this campaign.

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You can fund the campaign by clicking the Donate button HERE.

Whether you can give $10 or $100 — every donation is appreciated.

Thank you.

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