Letter to Editor: No to Proposed Linden Ave Traffic Calming

South San Francisco, Ca  June 21, 2020 by Daniel Perez, Resident of South San Francisco

Honorable Mayor and City Council members:
I respectfully request my comments be read out loud at 6/24/20 meeting.
I urge City Council not approve the proposed Linden Ave intersection road changes. To commence, although it is described as a Traffic Reduction plan, it is very short of a reduction plan. How would narrower streets help traffic move more swiftly? Quite contrary, it would cause traffic jams with more pollutants in air.
Furthermore, how can proposed changes encourage citizens to find more sustainable ways to commute to work, visit libraries, parks, promote fitness, etc.? We as bicyclists currently face many existing hazards and this particular one is unnecessary, given the fact that existing intersections function properly. Furthermore, I am against spending of $908,970 when there are URGENT community needs.
This plan is a mere Cosmetic Mismanagement of Funds, rather than an urgent traffic hazardous plan for bicyclists and pedestrians, and even our Earth. Instead of promoting getting vehicles off the roads, it only encourages us to not use alternative modes by the creation of a hazardous road.
I understand the need for handicap access, which currently exist at these intersections. What I do not understand are the tripping hazards such as those at Orange Ave (Baden and Commercial Aves). The proposed plan on Linden would be worse and not logical.
In closing, I urge our citizen elected City Council to represent the better needs of our Old Town, bicycling, sustainability communities and Mother Earth in not approving this plan.
I trust community needs take precedence over City organizational wants.
On another note, I find important items such as these being placed on Special Meetings rather than Regular Meetings as disrespectful, especially to Old Town, which historically has been ignored and not respected. I find it highly offensive.
Thank you.
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daniella guevara
daniella guevara
4 years ago

A waste of monies on intersections that pose no dangers with no traffic jams, especially when there is an urgency at Chestnut, Westborough and Hillside. These areas are bottlenecks, with dangerous road conditions and pose danger to pedestrians, bicyclists and motorists on daily basis.

Aren’t Measure A funds for traffic relief? We, as taxpayers, demand they be used appropriately. Who approved Measure A funds to be used for this? County needs to be held accountable for their approval of funds knowing there are traffic issues in areas mentioned above.

ML Jimenez
ML Jimenez
4 years ago

Please email City Council, type Item #2, Wed 6/24 meeting.

Misuse of Measure A, C/CAG and City funds of $1 million dollars! Taxpayers approved Measure A funds for traffic relief. Linden is not problematic nor hazardous at these intersections. Our two major thoroughfares, Westborough/Chestnut and Hillside and ECR are a justification for use of these funds. Anyone living in SSF or visiting are very well aware of traffic congested areas. Placing this item on a Special Agenda is unjustified as well! What is so urgent to a non-existing problem? The only urgency is for once again City Council disrespect Old Town by quickly going through systematic process without due process. There is no reason listed by City in this proposal other than “traffic calming.” What is traffic calming? It is more of a traffic congestion plan by slowing traffic (more pollution) and not being inviting for bicyclists. I find City Council very disrespectful in not only ill decisions for Old Town but by also placing these types of issues on a Special Meeting. The City Council were elected to represent best interest of community and to encourage community input. Old Town has always been ignored instead of appreciative of its “old town” roots. Old Town has historical value which has now been destroyed and continues to be disrespected. Our voice is not important, respected nor valued. I invite every City Council member to walk along Linden Ave. Why do we not ever see anyone from City Hall walk around Linden area? Not one City Council member lives in Old Town. Would either one of you allow a high rise building with NO setbacks to be built next to your long generational home that has taken your natural sunlight away? I only ask for same respect as areas where you live. Is it too much to ask? Miller Ave btwn Linden and Cypress is a precursor to what SSF does not need! Graffiti, junk yard, boarded up empty buildings, weeds shoulder level, etc. Why?! Would you live in this area? Why does City Hall and Council think it is ok for us? We pay same taxes for same service requests. What happened to equality and inclusivity? Respect does not costs anything. It won’t cost into your individual pockets. I am hoping City Council and City representatives read these posts and take these posts into consideration especially nowadays with social media.

mel perry
mel perry
4 years ago

this intersection linden/grand ALREADY is
a bottleneck, all these geniuses in city hall
are going to create a bigger bottleneck,
snd have these geniuses figured out, how
the samtrans #141 to san bruno is going
to make a right turn onto grand, without
running over the “safety zone”? the simplest solution would be to ban ALL
turns, except buses