South San Francisco, CA June 9, 2020
Last week we posted this impromptu GAME ON on our Facebook page:
‘Now more than ever, we could really use some random acts of kindness.
What kindnesses have you witnessed recently?
What kindnesses have you offered recently?
What kindnesses are the easiest to offer that bring the greatest joy?
$100 to the best response out of the next 10+ comments!’
And today we announce our winner:
Thank you to everyone for sharing wonderful ways we can offer random acts of kindness!
As always, our GAME ON winners are randomly chosen and we encourage everyone to play along –
our next GAME ON will be announced on our website (not social media) so keep a lookout for it!
Adele Rios
My mom works at a grocery store and there are a couple of kind ladies that have dropped off home-made masks for the whole crew throughout shelter-in-place.
Oh, also my neighbor had a scrub-jay bird nest in his tree and one night the parents didn’t return (he asked us if we had seen the parents)… so he added some things to shelter the babies from wind until the parents came back and the two babies recently fledged and now we have four scrub-jays flying around our neighborhood! If you live by Sign Hill you may see them, they hang out together in pairs it seems like and go at it with the crows and ravens. Picture included. ? This one might be passive but, I think it is kind that our neighbors don’t use rodenticides. We have two very loud owls on Sign Hill right now and the only way they could be there is if the things they are eating aren’t poisoned so that’s an act of kindness in my eyes. Thank you!
Wendy Sinclair-Smith
It’s awkward to talk of my small efforts, which I make every day, so I want to send a shout out to a friend who’s been making masks and donating them. They are beautiful, btw. Her efforts are inspiring
Adlyn South Donahan
My husband went to a nursery to buy my dad a plant for his birthday. It was the one in Colma and he didn’t realize you have to have a landscaping license. One of the landscapers who was shopping overheard the conversation between him and the employee and volunteered to buy the plant for him. My husband appreciated it greatly and got the landscapers business card in case we need some additional yard work in the future. His name happened to be the same as my husbands too ?
JoAnn Willis
A neighbor in our put a big box of oranges out and I took a few. The most delicious oranges ever
Ryan Scott
I have a favorite restaurant and a favorite waiter who works there. They have been closed and are not doing take out. Ever since this all started in March, I put aside $20 each paycheck as I want to give him a mega tip to help him when they reopen hopefully in mid July. I’m up to $140 already. I’m very excited to give it to him. It will cut me like a knife if they don’t reopen at all or if he no longer is there when they do open back up. ? I look at it as I can’t help everyone but if each of us helped one other person then….
Melanie Kreitz
A smile, a wave , and handshake (well, maybe not now….), a phone call/text to a friend, even a gentle nod while walking past a stranger can make your day or the day of another. Showing compassion and empathy towards a situation that does not immediately affect you can do more than you know.
Karen Johanson
In a side comment. . .I miss being able to smile at people when I’m out (not that I’m out a lot.) Smiles being hidden behind masks makes me sad. To compensate I find myself waving more.
**In response: Adele Rios Agreed 🙂 I work in service and this is a common webinar topic on how to share smiles from behind a mask. Some places have adopted name badges with smiling photos, others have been using those hand-made clear masks:
Gisela Jimenez
Everyday l walk up to a homeless person and get to know them, l also sometimes carry snacks and water in my car and hand it to them..
Miranda Stella
My grandkids and I painted flat rocks with words like ( Faith, Peace, Tranquility, Hope) and dropped them off (different locations) for people to find.
It teaches the children to be thoughtful and kind to others. It gives the finder a special message and brings a smile to their faces. You spent much needed quality time with the babes.
Just wanted to share. Walmart, Target sell these rock kits and you can paint your own special messages and spread love and hope.
Gina Pierini
I wrote gratitude cards to my coworkers and directors.
Charlotte Cossio Temer
I love South san francisco, I love America..I love California.???