City of South San Francisco Forms Commission on Racial and Social Equity

South San Francisco, CA   July 14, 2020 Press Release

Commission created to build a plan for constructive change in South San Francisco

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., July 14, 2020 – South San Francisco Mayor Richard Garbarino today announced the creation of the South San Francisco Mayor’s Commission on Racial and Social Equity, with a mission to explore ways to deliver improved services in mental health, education, policing policies or practices, and in related social services. “Recent tragedies in our nation have been a catalyst for a movement that calls on cities and communities across the United States to directly address the racism and implicit bias that affects people of color and impacts access to opportunities to which every single American is entitled,” says Mayor Garbarino, “and this Commission will provide the forum for a community dialogue to explore what is needed.”


The Commission is composed of 12 diverse members who will listen to concerns and ideas from the community, and develop a list of recommendations for the City Council to consider. Councilmember Flor Nicolas will chair the Commission, and Councilmember Mark Nagales will serve as a member, along with a representative from the South San Francisco Unified School District, a member from San Mateo County government, and eight other members who, collectively, will bring a balance of all viewpoints. “I am grateful both San Mateo County government and the South San Francisco Unified School District have agreed to appoint a member to the Commission,” added Mayor Garbarino, “as many issues and services involve not only the City, but the County and School District as well.”


The commission will be responsible for examining and developing recommendations around policies and legislation in areas such as education, policing, healthcare (including mental health and addiction services), and other social services.


“Our first focus is on gathering community input and expert information on how the current systems operate and where improvements are needed,” said Commission Chair Councilwoman Flor Nicolas, “we will take the time to hear all points of view and collaboratively explore changes to policies, practices or programs to improve the community.”


Meetings of the Commission will be public and allow for public input. The public is encouraged to participate as the Commission begins its work. The Commission is expected to be seated by late July, with its first meeting in early August. The Charter for the South San Francisco Mayor’s Commission on Racial and Social Equity is below.




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your neighbor
your neighbor
4 years ago

they have a cmte for every conceivable thing the council dreams of, this is just another to keep the neighbors busy, because basically its trending on twitter that there is injustices for people of color. It has been going on in SSF for decades.

Join if you think this will make a difference. You don’t need a commission to listen to the people and the council wants nothing to do with listening to citizen concerns. Traffic, overbuilding the city. Do they listen? The other night, there were over 130 citizen comments on one of the city meetings, did they bother to read them? NO ! They just keep doing WHAT They want. Who are they fooling? Not me.

mel perry
mel perry
4 years ago

good thinking on our elected officials
part, CYA, now to turn SSF into
another SF or Oakland

4 years ago
Reply to  mel perry

mel, please put your critical thinking cap on for once. Thanks!