May 1 Teleconference 10 am: The Seven Bad Bills of 2021 bring back Scott Wiener’s terrible SB 50

South San Francisco, CA  April 29, 2021 by Livable California

{NOTE: if you cannot make this session – please check Livable California website for past teleconference, articles, updates, and more – CLICK HERE


Hi folks! This is an RSVP-only teleconference on May 1 at 10 AM. By 3 pm tomorrow,  Friday, you must RSVP at this link. If you registered previously you will receive a reminder with the Zoom meeting  link. Problems? Email:


  • This month, legislative committees voted YES on SB 9, SB 10 and other Bad Bills that destroy single-family zoning, affordable housing, beloved communities – in favor of bulldozers.


  • One deeply troubled Democratic legislator from SoCal told constituents: “It’s an ideology.”


  • Join us as our experts explain what the 7 Bad Bills do, and what YOU can do to kill the bills as they move to Appropriations and, in many cases, on to “the second house.”


In a repeat of 2020, legislators are piece-mealing SB 50 authored by the developers’ spokesman, state Sen. Scott Wiener of the Bay Area. Last year we all worked to kill the 9 Bad Bills, and we beat back most of them! For 2020 we’ve identified 7 Bad Bills.


Please join us Saturday at 10 am for a crucial update on the Amended 7 Bad Bills.


Folks, we ask you to please DONATE to Livable California today. We are small fry fighting tech giants and deep pockets who seek to pave over working-class neighborhoods and compete with homebuyers to scoop up houses as “permanent rentals” and “upzoning” properties.


Some legislators have sadly lost their way. So we thank you very much for helping out!


Again, this is an RSVP event. By 3 pm tomorrow, Friday, you must RSVP at this link. If you registered before, you’ll get a reminder with a Zoom link. Issues? Email:


We prefer and encourage participants from groups! However, individuals are welcome! If you call in via cell, please set your phone to show your name, not just a number. Thanks!!



Livable California is a non-profit statewide group of community leaders, activists and local elected officials. We believe in local answers to the housing affordability crisis. Our robust fight requires trips to Sacramento & a lobbyist going toe-to-toe with power. Please donate generously to here.




Livable California
2940 16th Street
Suite 200-1
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States






**ah, mr. weiner, a person noted to never
pass on “free” money, remember folks,
YOU voted for this POS, and you get
what you voted for, so quit whining

-Mel Perry

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mel perry
mel perry
3 years ago

ah, mr. weiner, a person noted to never
pass on “free” money, remember folks,
YOU voted for this POS, and you get
what you voted for, so quit whining