SSF Police Ditch Donuts for Kids Neighborhood Lemonade Stand

South San Francisco, CA  June 1, 2021

There are far too many jokes out there about police officers taking breaks for coffee and donuts so it was refreshing to see this on our South San Francisco Police Department FB page. This simple act, of one of our officers taking the time to encourage and interact with some of our youngest neighbors, will be a proud memory they will hold for a lifetime.

This feel good story needed to be shared and we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

Photo credit: SSFPD


“Day shift officers happened upon a lemonade stand while patrolling our neighborhoods and couldn’t resist an opportunity to enjoy a refreshment with these little entrepreneurs as summer begins.” the department shares on their FB page. “We serve in defense of our values and jump at every chance to repay the gratitude our community has shown us through positive interactions just like these.”


Photo credit: SSFPD


This is an excellent reminder to us all – NEVER pass up a youngster’s efforts without giving them encouragement. And we can all agree with these comments below, that were shared on the original post.

“That’s what it’s all about. Those kids will remember that kind gesture for a lifetime.” Mike Krause writes “It’s not a job requirement, just kindness for others.”


“Love this!! So happy you weren’t like some cities I have seen that instead cited kids for lack of permit!” writes Angelique Presidente. “Kudos SSFPD, love ya’ll”



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mel perry
mel perry
2 years ago